Hard Pills to Swallow; RQ is fine

Role Queue didn’t ruin the game; the complete lack of adding tanks and supports to bring the Variety of options between the 3 roles equal did.


Exactly. Role queue made it more fun to play tank and support because it meant you were guaranteed to have a semblance of a team comp to play around, not just DPS all over the place. The only downside is the queue times which will hopefully be solved by the time OW2 launches.


Even if the variety was exactly the same DPS would still be the most popular role and either Tank or Support would be the least popular I would vote support would be the least popular even with the same changes because it isnt a kill role.

Tank had less playtime in OW1 because it was miserable youd get deleted in seconds and stun locked.

There will always be a most and least favourite character and theres no way to balance it and even if it could be balanced releasing a new character for anyrole would bring it out of balance again because more people would want to play that role.
So your either stuck releasing characters for the least popular role forever if it cant be balanced.
Or releasing 3 characters 1 for each role contionusly which isnt sustainable.

Open queue especially a reworked one where tanks are limited is just superior to both regular OQ and RQ.

For multiple reasons you can change roles if your underpreforming

It reduces queue times which adds more casuals to the game which adds a greater budget and more content.

Open queue just looks better to watch in an OWL setting if goats is restricted because of the added complexity and interesting stratergies and synergies.

Going against pharah and your hitscan cant play DPS and your on Tank hey dude switch out with me ill go Cass you take Rein boom saved the game which would be otherwise a bad experience.

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That and double shield bap. Sigma bap were by far and I dislike brig but adding Sigma bap while buffing orisa was an atrocious choice. Killed the game.

You put alot of work into that good for you. Still prefer role q to your idea. No offense.


Thats fine people have preferences I do think the game would benefit from having a reworked Open queue played in OWL and being on the front page for Quickplay as well as role queue especially for the casual market and the budget it brings in.

But role queue can also be there both should be popular to add alternatives from a purely OWL perspective I would rather see OQ in OWL just because of the added complexity and stratergies and synergies.

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GOATS and Double shield would happen somehow, it was just a matter of time.


I think it’s fair to say it’s a mixed bag, at least. I say that because I’ve read through a lot of threads where people debated the merits and pitfalls of RQ, and just always come away thinking, “Yep, a lot of people have very legitimate points on all sides of this issue”.

I can’t dismiss any person’s defense of their preferred side because I find myself agreeing with almost all of it. When I played, I played mostly OQ myself, despite being a support main and almost guaranteed to have short queue times. But I happily played both, and enjoyed the benefits that both styles offered. I simply adapted what I did to the format I was playing that particular round. And I was happy to have both available to me.

Suffice to say I don’t think there will ever be an end to the discussion around the topic precisely because there are a lot of very real and tangible benefits to both sides of the equation.

The only thing that never panned out was the devs’ reasoning of, “it’ll be easier to balance for this format knowing exactly what we’re balancing for”. Which, I mean it’s definitely very true, but the devs couldn’t disconnect their extremist bias from favored individual heroes in order to fully realize a decently (but never perfectly) balanced game. Which is a shortcoming that can’t be remedied by reformatting a game for 5 v 5 either, but maybe a fresh start will grant them some distance from their old habits and hopefully they can do better next time.


They couldve patched both of them easily, Double shield is already solved with the Orisa rework they just needed to do something like that.

Goats couldve been patched with further brigitte nerfs or tank limitations.

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Dont bother with open-queue-lers. They dont see the flaw of the OQ system and why it was abandoned.


And you dont see the flaw of Role queue and how it makes match times unbearable and removes all the casual playerbase from the game lowering the overal budget and income of the game.
Whats your point?


Oh what led you to think that ? that after so many years the new hero and the first one they showed was one for the one with the biggest rooster or maybe it was the fact that before teaching dps how to play with mechanics like cc or counterpick they decided to remove them.

Its a symptom of role imbalances and no content for 2 years. Its not the cause. I dont want this topic to bring up again and again. You have your open queue in the game and will in OW2. So be happy.


Role balances wouldnt fix queue times.

Even if DPS was the worst role in the game it would still be more popular.

I am happy but it should be whats played in OWL because its simply more entertaining.

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maybe this configuration, but this game is known for having more defensive compositions than offensive ones.

turtle,goats,ds,triple tank.

why ? devs didn’t predict this would happen, naturally in objective-focused games where supports are primarily based on heals, DPS would become obsolete.

believe it or not, somehow the meta would be defined by the tanks’ defensive resource stack and support heal resources.

just for the lack of variety in how shields work, it’s enough to stack any shield in the game and make it work, and pro players would run it, and eventually it would appear at least at high ranks.


Gee I like to sit around not playing the game for over 10 minutes only then find a meme team who doesn’t know how to play anything other than McStun or Spamzo.


Love it when Im against Pharamercy and I have a Genji and Tracer one trick and cant swap them out because Role queue.


The best part about role queue is that it puts Blizzard’s feet to the fire to at least attempt to keep all roles happy with balance patches and content. With Open Queue, what incentive do they have to not just focus on the role with the biggest population?


Youll still know if the roles feel weak because people will complain and winrates and pickrates will tank but it definetely does make it slightly harder to tell.

Good point I never thought of this

An even more flawed logic. “Power” does not equal “fun”. Tanks in OW1 are strong AF and dictate the game. Why are they not played? Fun.

Also there is a different between

DPS time 10 minutes
Tank time 2 minutes
Support time 5 minutes


DPS time 35 minutes
Tank time 28 minutes
Support time 1 minute

DPS is in both examples the most popular role. Is it a difference? Hell yes!