Hard Pills to Swallow; RQ is fine

Most people dont even want to sit through a 5 or 10 minute queue.
So sure its gotten worse but its still not appealing

Thats what I said.
Even if dps was the worst role in the game it would still be more played because its more fun.

And even if somehow dps wasnt the most fun role some other role would be the most fun and have the longest queues.

The only genuine benefit of Role queue is 100% of the time get the role you queued for but when those queues are 30 minutes and the game is also 20 minutes I couldve played like 3 Open queue games and 100% gotten DPS too probably twice so more DPS games per minute.

Since 1/3/2 is a viable comp and even if it wasnt id still have a greater chance of playing DPS.

although it is still possible to stack heals on rein’s back as he walks slowly.

I would say that the idea would be to make the game not dependent on heals, make the situational ones and with CD, from the supports to other useful impact abilities, it is necessary to stimulate the decision factor of when and where to spend resources.

especially in the low ranks people tend to feed a lot and it’s usually a heal diff.

Yeah but there is a big difference in time you have to wait. Dont want to wait? Pick the least played role if not wait for your turn. Its that simple. If they want the most popular role they have to wait. Its like with the latest consoles. There are only so few of them (in this case supports or tanks) to make matches. You can ignore the balanced matches and go into open queue if you desire but you will not find balance there most of the time. At least not that kind of balance that the devs try to archive.

This probably would’ve helped but I’m not convinced it would’ve solved the queue times issue. The problem with support and tank (especially tank) in OW1 is how restrictive making hero choices is. This is mainly because of the main tank/off tank synergy. As soon as your teammate picks a tank, your options are immediately cut in half. Same is true for support but not as extreme. DPS is different in that it never really mattered what your other dps picks. It won’t effect your decision nearly as much and this is what I think makes dps more attractive.

Thats easy to say but not everyone wants to play certain roles I personally dont mind and my hours are split between almost all the roles with having slightly more on support

Then dps and a bit of a drop off on tank since it isnt too fun.

But even with all that I still prefer open queue because I can change role and character midgame to fit the most optimal solution if my team cant play any of the roles right.

They seem perfectly balanced to me its my most played gamemode this season and even if it isnt balanced its most likely because theres less players playing because people dont realise its a gamemode untill atleast level 25 so people are conditioned to play role queue.

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Even if roles were weak and people complained it’s far easier to get more DPS then the other roles and less work. It’s something they have had trouble with so it wouldn’t be surprising if it was pure open queue that they eventually retire Support and Tank through balance patches and lack of content. Right now they need players in those roles so they have to make those roles fun and they have to produce content for it to keep queue times reasonable.

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Absolutely in a role queue setting thats true but its not sustainable.

Even if support becomes the best role in the game or it becomes more fun it will still probably not have more people playing than DPS.

So then tank becomes the bottom feeder role again.

If the people that dont want to wait leave its good! Why? because it solves the problem. Less DPS so less queue time. So the other DPS win with every loss. With every loss in another role the time goes up for ALL roles that have to wait longer.

Its actually not good because theres less players.

And less players means a smaller budget and less updates because theres less money being fed in through their upcoming battle pass system theyre planning on which is probably why they made OW2 and even if it wasnt less people are buying lootboxes.
Less players decrease match time because theres less ongoing games.

Its not good to lose any players ever as a game each player can probably bring in 3 new players potentially and its word of mouth too
If a dps leaves and thought man this game sucks if someone who could potentially be a future support player hears “This game overwatch sucks dont buy it”

Less new players less new supports and tnaks too.

Less players and players leaving is always a negative factor there is no positive to players leaving.

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Then you basically have two options, with or without the trinity.

Gee I love the old ways of going into comp waiting 4 minutes generally to be the only tank with 5 dps. Which was usually 2 out of ten games.


They should just add Open queue and display it on the frontpage like Role queue, and in my opinion they should make OWL Open queue.

Obviously Open queue would have to be reworked to limit tanks to prevent goats but there should be some kind of poll perhaps.
If open queue is put on the front page displayed with Role queue there should be a community poll a few months after, to decide what is played in OWL

Im not asking for the removal of Role queue.

Ive played 10 games today and 5 yesterday and I had
Which like the odd 1 or 2 1/4/1

I dont know where people get this 5 or 6 dps rumour from.

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Thats why they introduced role queue in the first place. The match quality was terrible across the board in all metal ranks and in QP. 80% or even more people played complete time waster of matches that where directed why what kind of mains you got into your game and you prayed that you not get 5 DPS mains. And IF you did you hoped that at least one of them would flex to support/tank…

It was the same clown fiesta every game. I left. Just 2 months later RQ was introduced and I came back. I have seen multiple people that did the same. Sure some left because of OQ but I think more came back.

So thats a good thing right?


Then which version would you balance the game since OWL is open queue (which I assume is really only to heavily promote open queue)

Yeah. Imagine if we were getting more tank and support heroes and the tanks were actually fun to play.

Role que is bleh. Role limits is where its at. Lets make comp require a full stack and allow players to flex between roles!. Obviously we would need a clan system to help though

I dont think the match quality is that bad and I think more people left because of Queue times than because of Open queue because the game was at its height.

From 2016-2019

And was downwards spiral from there which you could blame on no content but I think the role queue, queue times have a part to play in that especially from a casual perspective.

I dont think this is accurate because the playerbase has never recovered from Early 2019.


Yes we have both, the problem is they started balancing for role lock and reverted alot of the changes they did to tackle goats.
It annoys me that they did the hero pool thing after they introduced 222 role lock. Hero pools could have solved the goats issue. They also would have needed to make the hero pools change way more frequently than every week, that is way to long, I defiantly understand why people disliked it. If they had it change every 2 hours or something it would bring more variety into the games and also limit goats-like metas.

Thank God we have role queue, I can’t imagine how Overwatch was before it was implemented…

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It’s not a rumor. That’s how competitive used to be with a bigger player base.

Pick tank or wait for someone to pick a tank and play support. Just how it was.