Hard of Hearing Player: Speech to Text not working

Hi, I’m a hard of hearing player. This makes voice comms especially difficult for me, but I’ve noted that the game has a speech-to-text function for voice. The issue is that despite people talking, none of it ever appears in text. I’ve made sure the function is enabled in the accessibility menu. I’ve seen from one video that it can work (Speech to text is both amazing and hilarious). I cannot figure out how to get it to work for me, however. Any help is appreciated.

Hi there, volunteer here. Blizzard has a special email setup for reporting issues like this :slight_smile:

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Thanks, I will email them. Also hoping to see if anyone in the community has discovered a workaround.

You may want to inquire in General Discussion. While this is a tech issue, it’s not a commonly reported one, so I figure more eyes (outside of the troubleshooting area) on it may help.

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