Hard locked in bronze

I have people i play with regularly who have the same stats as i do ,but im hard locked in bronze. For no reason seriously blizzard fix this its an issue for players across the board and its season 3 and your second overwatch game . I play the game regularly and my stats are the same as others in gold i win over and over my win percentage is good seriously fix this bug.


The same has been happening to me. ;(


Yea i was silver last season it should of never ranked anyone down to begin with.

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I had 15 wins between yesterday and now. I am still locked in Bronze 4.


I’ve been in an infinite bronze loop since last year :skull::skull::skull:


Ltp I guess. Its not hard to get out of bronze

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It’s because your hidden MMR is around bronze, if you had MMR around plat and higher you would never qualify in silver or bronze.

And remember, the stats from your profile isn’t the same the hidden MMR.

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The reason why you’re in bronze is probably because you deserve to be bronze. There’s no bug.

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I have people throwing matches to play with me , and them throwing only ranks them up so the ranking system is obviously broken.

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From what I can tell, assuming you’re rank adjustment is inaccurate, which it likely is, it looks like you’re either one of two bugs. One is the supposedly fixed bug that prevented players from being promoted above bronze 5 and the other bug is where surpassing a certain rank demotes you five subdivisions. If you’d like, there’s tons of other posts mentioning this exact situation you can read about under my thread: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your post under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.

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Thanks so much this is probably the mostly helpful thing ive seen other than people just saying they have the same issues.

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Well I’m glad someone appreciates my efforts. None of issues will be solved if people aren’t vocal about them so if you could, any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.

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