Hard Cold Take. Overwatch is so much better on a new account

So me and another buddy made new accounts. Both of us are in between Masters and GM, but the rule is simple:

You never pick a character you know; and needless to say, a character that you main.

You are only allowed to play characters you Never used before, or that you are super bad at.

… so basically we are learning new heroes.
And the experience… was So much better.

“good night”, “good morning folks”, “have fun and a good game”
Even players are happier xD

We found a Diamond Reinhardt that asked in a kind way what I was doing because I was flanking like a noob with Moira; and since I couldn’t use chat yet, I just emoted and shaked camera so he would understand that I acknowledged xD

Later on he used Comms Wheel for telling us he had Ultimate ready?
While he was waiting for all of us to regroup?!

Anyways, the matchmaking felt so much better.
A couple of Masters here and there, but overall, incredibly better

13 W - 10 L
It feels like we played many more games; and that is of course … because the games were actually enjoyable

Now I’m back into my main account, and first thing I do, is leave the match xD
Another disgusting stomp

So, a trully beautiful experiment; really.

But this isn’t some stupid crap like “Educational Bla Bla Bla” for keeping the fanboys happy. And don’t take me wrong, it is fine if streamers do this. I don’t agree with it… but we need to understand that this is their job at the end of the day.

But this experiment here is something else. Something completely different. Something closer to how WhiteHats and BlackHats would be related to each other

Give it a shot. Consider it a responsible and ethical WhiteHatSmurf experience, but always following the same rule. You never pick a character you know; and it will make Overwatch so much better again.
Because we need to go back to basics. No more TryHards or +3000hs specialists.
This is like going back to what was your first encounter with the game, and all the omg what is going on, and why i feel like pressing all buttons with the palm of my hand xD

Also let’s help Overwatch reach 350million accounts for the next Developer Blog Update xD

Last note: I actually kinda missed all this on my other accounts before, because I was trying to help a friend rank up; and kinda never happened lol
But, I kept a fresh memory of what Starter environments looked like during those short periods. Mostly because after playing 20 games with my main character there, that Honey Moon was over.
… and having the evaluation performance system acting so fast, is what actually makes a better place for real actual new players

Last note 2: I’ve seen impossible things in Overwatch. Incredible things. Digital poetry.
but this still remains as the most beautiful one

Last note 3: Stay in bronze, stay happy. Because my Brig or Lifeweaver are no better xD

Last note of the last notes: if you are going to do this as another Redshell, I hope you get perma banned; from everything. All. Internet and life xD

Make Overwatch fun again.
Do it for Tuka! xD


how i enjoy overwatch is to follow 4 tenants:

  • never solo Q
  • never play ranked
  • never be toxic or get overly upset
  • pick wrecking ball whenever possible

i think the problem/mistake is you were trying way too hard on your main account, only to find out that you didn’t quite like that level of play. if you relax and dont force yourself to get top rank it wont be as frustrating or stressful to play. might not be as challenging either but sometimes that is for the best.

top ranks is all about minimal mistakes, min-maxxing, counterpicks, hard strategy and team comps, and metas. lower ranks are a bit more free and loose. if you play to win you will lose the ability to play for fun unless your idea of fun is being stretched to your competitive limits. just find a rank for your natural comfortable level of play. you will probably end up with like a constant 55% win rate, but you will at least be able to experiment

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You’re just smurfing and using flimsy rules to try to justify it. You like it because you can effortlessly beat weaker players without even having to try. You’ve convinced yourself that you’re one of the good smurfs but if you were to face someone doing the same thing to you then you would hate it.


tried new account: 90% of my QP games are with oblivious players, most do not know how to use any cover or have an idea of how the game supposed to plays. It is like giant deathmatch with 0 strategy.

Tried rank and got ultra garbage teams full of leavers,
several group of high lvl smurfs (they really played like diamond-low master, i know i have played these ranks) destroying the opposition but losing on purpose (that was incredible, the hell is wrong with them). Also even some weird afk team of bots (not even moving out of spawn).

End up in bronze (ok game, ok) but eh, despite having done way way higher ranking on other accounts “you are where you belong” right?

Pick Zen and wreck left and right, exterminating them like cattle loosing mostly when leavers. Angry enemy team players tell you are smurf, cancer or what the hell is your real rank, why you come to ruin their game (well i am supposed to be Bronze no? You know, you belong whe…).

The whole thing get boring coupled with ragewar in chat or muted “lemmings”. Oh yes i did climb, rather fast, alas switched as fast to my other account because man this is so better, will never do that torture to myself again.


But what if you want to play a few games when no one is around?

Totally agree

Hard to never get upset.
At least I don’t get toxic except when people start kicking back

You can never go wrong with anything you really want to pick

I’m kinda very competitive. But in a healthy way.
The matchmaking is a disaster, but at least I can set up personal achivements

How am I smurfing if I’m playing characters I have no idea how they even work? xD
Saying Master or GM may sound fancy, but skill is not something you can just export into other heroes or roles.
Have you seen top500 streamers playing playing what they are not used to? Lets just say they do it for the content xD

If we ever wondered how a game so incredible as Overwatch ended up so incredibly lonely with players off chat and voice, by default!, is because of the matchmaking

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Isn’t it ‘better’ only because the matchmaker hasn’t caught up with you yet?

Won’t it eventually place you back at your original MMR? Then you’ll be back to ‘disgusting stomp games.’

I’m not saying you won’t have fun whilst it lasts, but it will not last forever. Eventually you will become competent on those other characters and your MMR will rise. What we really need is:

  • For comp to be far more rewarding than it is at the moment.
  • Blizz to deal with the obscene cheater issue we have.

Two things that would go a long way to bringing the ultra competitive players back to comp and out of QP (where they’re cleary unhappy most of the time anyway.) And make QP far less of a meat-grinder.

But QP will never have truly balanced matchmaking so long as every rank can queue up with every other rank. That will always lead to snowball-y games. I’m not asking for QP to become ‘comp lite’ I’m just saying it’s a feature of QP we all have to acknowledge.

it doesnt work in overwatch. play tf2 or something where the solo carry potential is much larger, and autobalance exists. if you arent in a group, the enemy likely is. you lost the game before it started.

solo Q is notoriously miserable in OW unless you play modes where its easier to carry, or you get good rng with cooperative teammates or uncooperative enemies

Tldr too long didnt read :rofl:

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Not necessarily. My alternative account is a lot of fun because it has lower MMR as I do not take it seriously at all. This account is old and I play on it often. It is actually not that far off in terms of rank itself, but the lobby quality is the opposite. On my main, my teammates are potato. Oh my alt, I am the potato and my teammates are Spec Ops.

Obviously if you deviate from the original intent and just start eviscerating people, it will not take long before your MMR inflates and it is more of the same. The trick is to play unconventionally, to say the least. I do challenges myself. That keeps things fresh and I still have the same 50% winrate I do on my main. What a shock! :joy:


Not my main peak performance MMR, but whatever I’m playing with new characters? yes, that will happen

But its completely different. I got +3000hs as a specialist. And I’m playing Lifeweaver, like super bad. Or D.Va xD

Even if I lose I can’t get mad because I really don’t know what I’m doing. Every character is an entire universe on its own

I just don’t mind the result

I honestly don’t read the “matchmaking fixes” any more, that come along every patch

It just gets old

I play Mercy xD

I messed up but you could skip all the notes xD

That’s why im playing Brig with a broken shield all the time

Overwatch is incredibly fun only when you are the potato xD

Be the potato!
I should add that as part of the main goal for the experiment lol


Fair, I would always worry about when the ‘honeymoon’ period was going to end if that were me. Then again, I’m not looking to learn any new chars at the moment either. So an account like that would be pretty wasted on someone like me.

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if you are going to do smurfing stuff, at the very least make your own accounts, and dont make several. i know its fairly easy to ”get” or even ”buy” them but you are contributing to all the bots and afk throwers deranking themselves for profit, and into making comp even worse than just re-ranking


Knowing you. This just sounds like you’re bullying lower elo players as the MM adjusts to place you properly within an appropriate SR level.

I’m not playing Comp here

Just learning new characters. But then I find myself just playing anything during match

As in I’m not really committing to Mastering a new hero

I’m just playing whatever xD


Nah, I finally get to be carried now xD

So far I have already cancelled a Res when trying to uplift a soul with a platform, and almost c9 a point during overtime with another platform, because this Mauga caged the cart all around xD

And of course, I blew up in front of a D.Va bomb because my platform didn’t work xD

… it just happens that the activation hitbox for the bomb is Much smaller than any other character

Not gonna lie, its not very common to catch a D.Va ultimate with a petal, but if you find yourself again in the Practice Range or in a Custom game trying all these things, you are in the right track to fun and enjoying the game again

Because I can’t do this on the main accounts.
If I want to go Brig, and I don’t even know how to shield dance, the game won’t give me a break xD

Being a specialist has its amazing side, but if you want to pick something from scratch… that ain’t happening in those lobbies

I’ve been asking for a Self Ban system for this reasons.
Before you Queue, you select which heroes you won’t be able to select once inside the match, and that way the algorithm will know if you are actually trying new characters

I don’t have alt accounts, but have started playing roles other than Support, i.e. Damage. So right now I just like playing in QP for fun and trying to learn new heroes.

The mistake I make is starting to gain MMR by only playing the few heroes i know a bit better or are strong (pubstompers like Pharah), because I don’t want my team to be too upset with a loss (like people on new accounts wanting wins so they can play comp).

Then I gain MMR and playing those same strong heroes becomes a self-fulfilling thing, giving me less opportunity to learn new ones without been seen as throwing.

Ideally there would be a way (like the old LFG) to find groups that are fine with losses and more focused on learning. Having friends is the main way I guess.

In terms of learning tank, with no tank MMR I still get thrown into matches with fully experienced players (because of the shortages of players there?). It feels really hard to break into that role right now from where I am sitting.

I asked someone in game about queuing tank (after a comment they made, I wasn’t tank that game) and they said something along those lines about been thrown into games with experienced players.

If I recall correctly, the game will try to pair you with Gold from the very start

Some time ago a friend made an account for playing in Console. literally new into Overwatch, and a couple of games in and we already had a game against a top500 console Tank xD

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It’s almost like people are toxic because they put so much value in their rank and expect to always be climbing due to their inability to recognize that they arbt actually better than they think. They can’t handle losing rank because they have a weak mental game.

Now what you’ve done is stopped caring about rank and lo and behold, most positivity.

Stop caring what rank you are and just game it’s not hard

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You can tell it’s Sunday, lmao.

Ignorance is bliss

2 characters

Ngl whenever I see someone top500 flex onto something they don’t play they are really good right off the bat and masters level at least. You need to be gifted at video games to even reach top500 so of course these people start out in the top %.

The only time I saw someone who was top 500 and their off role was below masters it was a mercy otp.

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