Hard carrying and still losing

Why does the other team always have higher ranked players?
Why are my teammates all lower ranked than me?
Why am I always forced to 1v5 cause my teammates just don’t exist?

Mind you this issue occurs for me exclusively on dps. On support and tank I have no issues but dps that’s when the system decides to screw with me.

Here’s the proof a game I literally just played, it wasn’t perfect on my part but what the hell were my teammates doing?

I’m not one to complain often but this is getting ridiculous.

Code: ATQ74X
Also if anyone has tips to improve as dps I’d appreciate that!


Idk man this feels pretty normal. This has been a common complaint of mine in the forums for years


I see it often but I don’t want it to hold me back.
I will find a way to keep climbing!

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Because when you perform well the matchmaking system is rigged against you to lower your winning to only 50% to keep you “engaged” and play more matches for that next win. More you win and longer you play, the higher chance you will keep losing because your brain dead teammates. Retards on here will tell you that you are at your rank it is where you belong cause you are playing against equal or better, no it’s always the 1-3 people on my team with negative k/d playing in the wrong lobby and ruining any chance of winning.


Man my thoughts exactly.

This is hard griefing on blizzards part and its pissing me off instead of having fun playing this game like a game is supposed to be.

I dont know what they are thinking but this causes more harm from the negatives than good from the positives.

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Here is a great example. I performed really well in this game. Top heal and 1 death in 4 rounds of kings row vs average 16 death on every players in the match. 33T75B. Then I lost 5 games after that due to clueless teammates. I didn’t forget how to play or carry. I was put in a position to likely lose. This is game sabotage by blizzard.


Win 1 match.
Next 4-8 matches:
Teammates that are brand new (and) enemy team that is all veterans with golden guns.

Not saying I carry because I stink but

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Your hard carrying means nothing if 1 of your teammates is having a bad day, it just means you’re leveling out your team. Welcome to OW.

It can take several hundred/thousand games for the system to average out your rank through all the factors that are out of your control.

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