Hanzo's Storm arrows nerfed to 70 damage to protect Tracer

Wait? So Tracer is ALWAYS super massively extended and literally never has a frontline she can retreat to?

The game isn’t Tracer against the entire enemy team.

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So what about the McCree vs Tracer match up, where despite being claimed as one of her counters by the developers themselves, Tracer actually has the advantage in that match up?

Sure one hero shouldn’t be able to counter out one completely, but Tracer’s hardest counters right now (excluding Brig) are all at a disadvantage against her or at least leave their team at a disadvantage.


And that’s why any team that wants to deal with Tracer without resorting to a better Tracer in their team, needs to be resilient. Ergo, goats was born.

That’s how Torb’s Armor packs countered Tracer. That’s how Sym’s Shield Gen countered Tracer. That’s how turrets in general counter Tracer (by limiting her ability to engage and finish her targets). Those two specific heroes had other issues preventing them from being the to-go option for that (mostly because they could be countered by the team that usually forms around Tracer, like Winston and D.va), but in the hands of a capable player, they were a nightmare for Tracer and Genji players who relied on mobilty to survive.

One of Tracer’s key weakness is that she have 50 HP less than your average hero. She is the only 150 HP hero in the game. That should give her some disadvantage, but if everything that kills a 200 HP hero in 3 shots also needs 3 shots to kill Tracer, is that really a weakness?

That’s what OP is talking about. Ana could two-shot Tracer when her rifle dealt 80 damage. Now she needs three for her, just like everyone else. Hanzo could kill Tracer faster than he can kill any average hero. Now he can’t. Brigitte could kill Tracer with a combo that would leave an average hero alive and outside of her effective range. Soon it will not.

Tracer is only weaker against chip damage and explosives, and those are not reliable to hit in the first place. Especially against a mobile target like her.


Tracer counters Tracer.

By definition, any hero don’t counter themselves. It’s a strict skill match. And if the only/best way to deal with a hero is to have the same hero on your side as well, then this hero is unbalanced.

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Yes, exactly. Skill. That’s the concept of balance. Skill determines outcomes.

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Never. Too many people don’t care about balance or even know what countering means. They just feel warm and fuzzy inside when they press a button and see something else die, and they mistakenly think they “countered” that enemy.

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hanzo is still OP AF, please name one weakness other then he cant self heal, you cant because he is not weak to anything Dive? wall climb + lunge = get away free, has burst dmg at close and long range, can OHK, is not hard to aim because his arrows are pretty much hitscan until you get to long range which will only be fought against widows and his CD’s are not long at all and he has a pretty decent ult overall

nope. shield bash wasn’t how she countered tracer in the first place. if it was, McCree would have been wrecking tracer out of the game before. she counters tracer with her armor, repair pack, and passive healing making tracers damage useless.


Hanzo’s kit is mega overloaded.
Storm arrow is baloney.

Yeah and also mccree not having 75 damage either. Everything is kept in a way to protect tracer :).
However a mercy damage boosting a dps is always very very powerful.
For example 76 helix will one shot tracer , cree headshot the same , hanzo arrows the same ,phara same… But we all know it’s not as easy as saying. For some reason many mercy players forget about damage boosting …

Zen also able to do that. But the problem with both zen and mercy is that they are easy targets for tracer to melt if the team is not paying attention. Zen+ Brig though very good combo against tracer if brig is watching out for Zen.

Dude, watch them nerf ashe’s ADS shot,

Or McCree’s flashbang.

It would be the funniest thing known to date.

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Funny you mention that… considering a certain cowboy does the same damage

and isn’t all that useful. Would be nice if he did do 75 damage to kill Tracer in one shot.

Imagine having anyone buffed to kill Tracer most efficiently.

Anyone at all.

Pro players will have them nerfed in a month.

just wait when they’ll make Mei primary deal 149 damage

ah, yes it’s not like it absolutely deleted tanks or anythng else. Or that it allowed him to charge dragonstrike in 30 seconds.
And it’s still a borderline overpowered ability. They need to remove one arrow and/or headshots.

Seriously, the fact that you honestly believe it was done just for tracer worries me. This “bliz loves tracer” is getting WAY out of hand.

Hard counters don’t feel fun though, while I’m glad that Brigitte stopped the year and a half of dive meta, at the same time, however, I don’t feel that Brigitte should counter Tracer this hard, where it feels like you’re basically throwing if you’re still Tracer.
I like matchups like Tracer v Zenyatta, where while it’s in Tracer’s favor, the kill isn’t guaranteed, there’s still hope for Zenyatta to win through excellent accuracy and awareness.

Maybe they should just remove damage boost from the game except as ultimate abilities. Give mercy damage resistance tied to her heal beam, and make her alt click fire her pistol.

Full mercy suggestion here (That has nothing to do with resurrect or her ultimate, except indirectly.)

Except in this context maybe the damage boost AoE would be replaced with something else, like damage resistance and where they overlap would be damage boost instead, making it harder and more resource demanding to give someone a damage up, and only in a specific spot, or it’d be something else entirely. Like generating a barrier along the intersection, or granting shield.

Mercy is in need of a rework. She’s unfun, and both she and other heroes are held back around her balance.

Brig is very much a counter to tracer.
she just can’t do the job of a dps (which she should not be able to do in the first place)

Bllizz is just correcting a their misstake

i dont see how hanzo a sniper shouldev ebeen a counter to tracer,

but indeed like said, tracer one of the most popular hero in the game, like some others, are getting way to powerfull and lossing counter for their benefits, this game is going full meta and leaving other to be forgoten

They just want their precious mascot back.
Uwu Dive will come back because that is all that pros and blizz like.