Hanzo's Storm Arrows are INSANE

Er, Hanzo is a DPS. Always has been.

He defends by outputting high amounts of burst damage and killing people. Defense and Offense are both damage-oriented classifications in this game.


But how could that happens? How was it possible that Hanzo got a so strong buff? And please don’t tell me it was a “bug” or a “mistake”. Seems to me it was a Hanzo fanboy in your developement team.

Storm arrow does too much damage. It needs:

  1. Headshot ability removed
  2. Lowered damage

There is nothing wrong with Hanzo’s new mobility. Its a little weird for me to have to work harder to boop him, but i can adjust to that.

His damage output is just ridiculous with the storm arrow. I’m not sure anyone else has an ability that can do that much focused damage in such a short amount of time.


Against all the armour, shields and healing in the game he’s pretty much the only viable DPS given how he can insta-kill things with the lowest amount of skill/risk required to do so.

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Can we hurry up and nerf this insufferable ability to the ground. The game needs tanks, we can’t play them with this bs.

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Even if you don’t accept the damage boost or discord 1 shot. He can still 1-shot tracer and pilot d.va.

great, more tracer coddling. No one is allowed to 1-shot her because that would mean she actually might die once in a while.

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I feel you. My mother died last October :frowning:

When you main mercy but still don’t realize that you can boost the hanzo.

Can we expect the nerf to drop in time for the event? FFA comp will be unplayable since he will basically be mandatory unless you’re the masochist type.

The design team on Overwatch needs to sit down and ask themselves “wtf where we thinking?”.


So you are going to nerf the damage thats ok, but what about hanzos mobility and quiet movement and shots? When widow is grappling everyone can hear it, when she walks or shoots, nobody is thinking twice where is it coming from. Hanzo on the other hand can flank you and put arrow in you and if you are playing loud hero like pharah and getting shot already you won’t even notice that you have been hit by hanzo, unless you get oneshoted.
Another thing is his compensation for lack of scope, in form of large projectile size. I can understand the idea, but in practice his extreme mobility allows him to duel widowmakers at very long range and being in advantageous position. I feel like hero who can easily aim at short and mid ranges should have a disadvantage against widow long range, but shoot and hide tactic is stong enough for any hanzo player to feel like he is in a good spot to just spam arrows looking for lucky headshot and not getting killed.
I suggest to change at least one thing:
-make him louder, so players in fight can be more aware that they have been flanked just like they can with widow (louder bow stretching noise, louder arrow hit noise)
-make him less mobile: 2nd jump ability is possible to activate only next to a wall
-storm arrow fires on its own in a cascade: rather to let players control when they want to shoot, arrows fire one after another after activating the ability, making it less potent to finish off multiple targets, still able to spray down tanks and shields (the whole idea of removing scatter was to make him less frustrating to play against, recent changes made it even more though)
-more harsh balistics for long range arrows: drop off points for projectiles exponentially bigger after reaching mid range, making it harder to hit lucky headshot from spammed arrows.

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Well, not anymore.

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It’s still an advantage considering it’s way harder to consistently hit head shots than it is to hit body shots. Also remember every time Widow fires she’s exposed so she’s constantly having to reposition which cuts into the time she could be outputting damage. Hanzo can sit in one spot and silently spam arrows, racking up damage and even securing a kill or two. He on average does way more damage than Widow does because of this and he doesn’t have to reload which allows him to output damage even faster. As a Widow player I’d take a 2.5 multiplier for faster scoping/no reload any day.

They probably have better English than that.

Spoken like a true ignorant Hanzo hater. I wish I could see your gameplay activity from the forums like it used to be so I could confirm that you have all of a few minutes on him as I suspect. Maybe try playing the hero some before you make assumptions about how much skill or risk he requires to play. If you had played him before the changes without his new mobility you would be praising the devs for making him viable for once.

Considering the post you have below this one, you clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Maybe try playing Hanzo some before you think it’s so damn easy to head shot a female dog that can spam teleports on a short cooldown to avoid nearly all damage from close range combat. Also, being a counter to snipers doesn’t mean she should be able to easily destroy them in nearly all encounters. This is a game of mostly soft counters and that’s how it should be.

Are you stalking my posts around the forum…? Stop. It’s weird.

(Also, I don’t need some very low-gold Hanzo main lecturing me on aim.)

Wait… pewpew down a tank in 2 seconds with only bodyhits is op? Maybe if they had a ballance-team, it would be considered op. But we have that OPAF Moira, then we got OPAF Brigitte and now we have the OPAFAF Hanzo. What will come next? OPAFAFAF XY?

Geoff , i just want you to see the new hanzo how he bully bastion now , i am ok with widow , genji , tracer , old hanzo , but new hanzo i don’t have any chance to survive hanzo once he spotted me . have u ever think that there is hero around called bastion ?