Hanzo's crtbox is blocked by his bow

In what world is this not a headshot?

In what world does this make sense?


Why has this still not been addressed?

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Because the devs have no manpower to fix bugs anymore it seems. OWL is more important

Yeah, but the riptire makes it nearly impossible to headshot him from behind. Especially when you play a shorter character like Mei or Sombra.

Here’s a good news for you all,
Thankfully this bug has been fixed and I’ve tested it. It doesn’t blocks his head anymore :grinning:

Then Reinhardt shouldn’t take crits in his skins with helmets

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Do you have proof? Like in a video

Idocrase / nyx , is that yall !?!? and ye hanzo crit box being blocked has always bugged me, they should make the bow horizontal in the animation

In a sorta on topic side note, Pharah’s wings make her hitbox MASSIVE compared to her actual body. I’ve hid behind a corner before and literally died because someone shot my wingtip

He’s obviously talking about hitting him from behind…

because otherwise her melee would take up her whole screen. IDK why they helped out zarya with this issue, and not torbjorn with his 2 second reload removing 60% of his screen


Wow, this is wild - and considering how often he’ll be shooting mid game, it’s basically like he’s got this crit-shield no one else has. Good contribution, I hope they fix that.

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I don’t mind seeing a Doomguy BFG wack your face animation for Zarya. Probably because I am playing way too much Doom.

As for Torb, yeah I don’t know. But I don’t mind that.

If you check the lore you will find that Hanzo’s bow is actually made of an indestructible material that blocks all damage.

I joke, lore doesn’t exist here.

Hecc yeah it is!!


yes everybody i know has been saying hanzo and mercy do that.
its been over a year and jeff hasnt done anything about me

So you’re saying Pharah is secretly thicc :wink:

Yes i’ll upload it,
I’m deciding to make a separate thread of this

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yes, but her arms blocks headshots for only 2 seconds every 30 seconds, not constantly

There you go,