Hanzos arrow hitbox is so broken you have to see this

I tested out Hanzo in the training grounds and noticed this, the arrow hitbox is very broken and has to be looked upon. I’m embarrassed to beg but please like and share this post so the OW team can see this.

Link to GIF --> https:// gfycat (dot) com/HospitableBarrenArgali

No malware, it’s a HTTPS link. Replace the dot and remove the spaces (links are banned, sorry if this causes controversy in the thread).

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learn to post a link…

Links are banned dude, sorry.

Dude, the devs have said multiple times that training bots hitboxes are broken and that Hanzo’s arrow hitboxes do seem larger on them.


are they? https://gfycat.com/HospitableBarrenArgali

Didn’t they nerf its hitbox a long time ago? (iirc btw) Try testing it in a custom game with actual heroes.

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It’s confirmed that Hanzo has one of the smallest projectile hitboxes in the game.


they seem perfectly fine to me… don’t make a fuzz about it. hanzo’s arrows are the smallest proyectiles in the game. the hit-box is from the bots


actually hanzo and genji i believe, have the smallest projectile hitboxes of all projectile heroes.

You should have seen hanzo 2 years ago. He was literally shooting logs at people. You see the default hanzo crosshair? from left to right, the entirety of that crosshair was his hitbox.




His hitboxes for his arrow might be “small”, but his arrows work so that if you happen to move into one passing by and the arrow head has already passed so you hit the shaft or feathers, it counts as a full hit. Which is complete BS in my opinion.

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Complain all you want, but Hanzo’s hitboxes are the second smallest projectiles in the game. Only Ana has smaller projectile hitboxes; Hanzo’s arrow hitboxes are tiny compared to other heroes. Go test baby D.Va or Mercy’s hitboxes, they are bigger than the Sun.

Not to mention Training Bots have gigantic hitboxes as well, I wouldn’t use them as accurate for other heroes.

Does it, I think what you just said is BS
