Hanzo “sniper” hit box

If you want to make hanzo more of a sniper with the increase of his arrow speed then give him the same hit boxes as an actual sniper (widow)



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It’s an urban legend dating back to the games early days that Hanzo’s arrows have a large hitbox. They are one of the smallest hitboxes in the game and have been for most of Overwatches life span.


His arrows have the smallest hitbox in the game. And speed increase or not they’re still projectile, not hitscan.


It’s been confirmed by the devs that Hanzo has one of the smallest shot hitboxes.


This fails to take into consideration that projectiles are able to hit a larger area of the player hit boxes than non-projectiles.

And while they may be tied for smallest projectile, they’re still bigger than any hitscan.


because if they weren’t theyd be impossible to hit due to server latency lag and imput lag, it needs to have wiggle room


Because they’re projectiles. That’s a drawback.


I play Pharah a lot and I somehow got headshot from a body shot at my chest. I rewatched the kill cam and it looked really odd when I died.

He was aiming at my feet and when he let go it hit my chest, but counted as a headshot.

Maybe it was latency, maybe the increase in arrow speed is to blame, I have no idea. All I know is I get nailed in the head a lot more from Hanzo that Widowmaker.


His hit box for his arrows has been adjusted numerous times now. Hanzo launches arrows down range. This is what he does. You might even occasionally die to a random arrow if you aren’t careful. Pay attention. Stay behind you shields and tanks. Be aware there is Hanzo. If you think they can nerf him or should nerf him do you don’t die to arrows hitting you in the face you are fooling yourself. Hanzo is going to launch arrows down range and some might just smack you in the face. It’s kinda your job to deal

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Keep in mind that what you see isn’t want the enemy sees, and kill cams aren’t 100% 1:1 replays of what happened.


Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, and be critical and fact-check when you see any sort of claim.

Debunked, once again.
https:// us forums blizzard com/en/overwatch/t/hanzos-arrows-hitboxes-needs-nerf-in-size/17397/16?u=vulpecula-21605

despite Devs statement that Hanzo arrow hitbox are the smallest of the game, i won’t lie that i always had and i still have my doubts about it…


Not long ago a dev said on this very forums that Hanzos arrow hitbox is one of the if not the smallest in the game.

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Considering that they haven’t done anything about his projectile hitboxes, I find it rather strange that the developers proclaim them to be “small”, this video - though from 2016 - is still relevant:

Which shows just how big the arrows really are, and why they rightfully so are joked to be redwood logs fired in your general direction.


How are you 100% certain that’s not the size of the practice bots head Hitbox.



They ARE pretty huge.

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Only if they make it hitscan.
It’s projectile and has the smallest projectile hitbox. That’s fair.

They have actually changed the hitboxes since then.

Practice range bots have huge hitboxes. In a real game it’s nowhere near as good unless you’re a tank.


Go to custom lobby with bots and set their speed as low as it can and check the actual hit boxes yourself, they are huge compared to hitscan hitboxes

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from 2016? that isnt relevant. at all.

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