Hanzo once again receives a baby nerf

Sadly this will do nothing to help the issue of stormbow-watch and every match being “who has the better Hanzo simulator” :roll_eyes:

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It’s not the damage, I tested that. Full charged bodyshot and Ana primary + sleep dart(75) was enough to eliminate the bot.

my favorite part is people rushing to their defense on the previous statements made, as if they aren’t actually tone-deaf, and it’s just the players not understanding their vision

then this happens


Hahaa but of 125 mdg to 110 is another trash nerf.

Okay, I added in an edit. Thanks for the clarification.

Imho it’s something I’ve been asking for and it feels a lot better, but I personally think he still needs a nerf to lunge. Idk how to go about storm arrows though and keep it balanced

They already tried that. That nerf only affected lower ranked players.

How about they start by not having such a generous hit box for his arrows. Very infuriating to see kill cams of him hitting you when the arrow didn’t even touch your body.

The initial projectile speed buff during his rework is what tipped him over the edge into being overpowered, so I’m still thinking that this nerf is more significant than people realise. He still needs more nerfs though, specifically to Storm Arrow and to his Lunge.


It’s 12px. The hitbox for his arrows are 12px larger than hitscan.

If the arrow doesn’t even touch your body, then it is either within those 12px, or, the more likely answer, it’s latency. Favor the shooter stuff. With his speed going back down to where it was pre-rework, noregs are going to come back. Before his rework, there were times where, on the Hanzo’s screen, he would see the arrow hit his target, but the hit wouldn’t register - which is again, because of latency. Noregs kinda went away after his rework because of the faster projectile speed so now, they’re probably going to come back.

The projectile speed is also going to affect Storm Arrows too. So this also serves as an indirect nerf to that. Not the one people were asking for, but it’s still an indirect nerf.

The big thing for me, is that this raises his skill floor. I don’t even play Hanzo, and there were times where there were kills I don’t feel I deserved. Going back to his old projectile speed, I feel would make it so that if you want to get consistent with him, you’ll need to commit. You can’t just flex to him on the fly. Maining him or having him in your back pocket is going to be ideal if you want to be consistent with his projectiles again.

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They should probably nerf the projectile speed even further or reduce the hitbox of the arrows. He shouldn’t hit as much as hitscan heroes considering how strong the rest of his toolkit is.

I think it might be 125% (of original) projectile speed being reduced to 110%.

This seems like a baby nerf but his increased arrow speed was a significant factor in making him a reliable choice rather than getting isntantly flamed by teammates.
I personally look forward to only good Hanzos being able to land arrows at longer ranges.

The original Hanzo rework had them increasing his arrow speed from 85 to 100, those patch notes did not take into account the base speed of 25, and only counted the bonus speed for charging the shot.

So this nerf, is actually a revert.

which is a baby nerf


I’ve played with an arrow slow before. It’s not going to affect anything within 20 m, but it’ll require you to lead more on anything beyond that. And at 40m+, you basically need to aim an extra foot above normal. Good Hanzo players will make this work without much issue, but it’ll drive down his PR at mid-ranks - and reduce his ability to contest Widow at range ; which appears to be the thing they decided he shouldn’t be able to do rather than nerfing his close range abilities.

Might make Pharah a bit stronger against him ; but she’ll still be picked off by hitscans. Might make Widow more viable - but she just got a mobility nerf making her easier to counter.

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Fire the whole balance team . I am sure most of the community is tired of their “GENIUS” decisions. They can nerf pretty hard heroes like sombra and symmetra but this joke Hanzo keep staying broken from like years…


I say it’s more of them learning from their experience to not make large balance change like they did in the past.

There was a poorly written patch note from the rework that confused us like crazy.

It’s all set now, it’s not an error.

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The good Hanzo’s will still be gods. The terrible Hanzo’s will return to being terrible. The Hanzo change only affects bad players. They’ve really done nothing to reign him in at the higher tiers of the game.


Why would they nerf Hanzo? Don’t you know hardly visible, nearly silent one shot projectiles are fun to play against? Obviously the devs know better than us about what makes the game fun.