Hanzo needs more nerfs

Well let me ask you this. Does Hanzo need to be in the top half of DPS hero picks in GM, out of 17 DPS heroes?

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Who cares were he is?

Greyfalcon in overwatch forums.

Do we care no

Well the post I made on Reddit on the subject got about half a million views, followed by the devs nerfing snipers a month later.

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But did people care half million wouldn’t even be half of hanzo cupid skin sale count.

No one cares except bad salty washed up people on these forums.

This place needs to be laid to rest.

No he does not, but neither does he need to be in the why should we pick this hero category.

Living longer, but struggling to get kills sound like an unfun experience.

Here is just a random idea,

Lower damage where you need 3 body shots or 1 headshot 1 body shot.

Ability 1- Piercing shot- Charge a arrow to shoot in a strait line, each barrier or hero it passes through lowers it damage
Ability 2- Mark target fire a arrow that marks a target, then the next arrow fired will home to the target (no headshot)

Ult and moment can stay the same.

Now this isnt perfect i just came up with it on the spot, but there are ways to change him to be more archer less sniper.

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Why are you negotiating with bad players to get more bad takes for your hero

Well let’s imagine they buff his HP, buff his lunge range. And then give him that Widowmaker AprilFool style DoT on all his damage.

Then they tweak the DoT rates, and maybe make it a mix of direct and DoT damage.

You’d think that would give the devs enough “dials” to tweak him to at least “good enough” status.

Heck, and if it’s a DoT, they could maybe even increase his bow charge speed, or projectile speed.

Could even do something where StormArrows have reverse damage falloff. Since magic isn’t physics-based.

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I hope they realize Hanzo is not some boogie man and he dies just as often as anyone else.


Incidentally, does this look familiar?

Or how about this

Except they are not, especially not in a FPS game. Some of you really have hard time coming to grasp with the fact this is a FPS game. While we said we understand it’s your first fps game ever, being so willfully ignorant of the FPS genre and its culture for so long is hilarious.


So which specific FPS game or games are you referring to?

  • COD/Battlefield have severe damage reduction at range, with extremely bright “Scope Glint”. BattleField even has Reverse damage dropoff at closer ranges.
  • Apex, bullet drop, but also you can’t oneshot with the Kraber unless it’s damage boosted with a large stationary deployable. And the Kraber is an extremely rare lategame pickup with limited ammo.
  • TF2, the Sniper is extremely squishy with basically no escape when rushed at close range. And a Spy with a Deadringer, Spycicle, and either Enforcer, Diamondback, Ambassador just gets free kills on them.
  • Halo, just shooting even 1 point of damage descopes a Sniper, and they get 8 total bullets, with generally shorter ranged maps. Not to mention extremely bright “Scope Glint”. And otherwise just avoid maps you don’t like.
  • CS/Valorant, it’s extremely risky to buy sniper rifles for Econ reasons, and otherwise there’s just a ton of smokes/flashes, and the vast majority of the level design is shorter ranges. And otherwise 2 bullets from an Assault Rifle or even 1 Deagle shot is enough to counter right back.

By comparison, with Overwatch:

  1. Hiding behind a wall/barrier 90% of the game is frustrating/boring.
  2. Trying to dive Widow/Hanzo when they can either easily run away, or drop 450-900 damage in 1.2sec. Is frustrating and unreliable.
  3. Sniping Snipers with more Snipers, just makes the issue worse for everybody else.

Some of you have a hard time understanding this isnt CSGO or CoD or even Valorant. If you want to compare it to anything compare it to paladins. And do you know what palidins doesnt have? 1 shot snipers.

Overwatch, paladins and battle born were hero based shooters, or Moba shooters as some call them. They had a vastly differnt feel and gameplay then most every other shooter out there. So it takes aspects from thoes games, but that doesnt mean it should be like thoes games. Just becuase some FPS have 1 shot snipers doenst mean that OW “Needs” to have them as well. Its willfully arrogant to assume that every FPS needs to be the same.

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They didnt want to nerf him because he was too good/overperforming. They just wanted to nerf his oneshot capability, because people dont like playing against oneshots. Now 250 hp heroes have a little bit more survivability against his crits.

Yea those games are not doing so great… wonder why? Could it be sniper changes no one wanted being part of it? Also a different type of fps game.

Also a BR, and literally as well pointing out a thousand metrics to line up for there not to be a one shoot :man_shrugging:

Still a one shoot. Also what you are describing are counters, learn to play counters in OW instead of whining like a baby.

Still one shoots. Also prolly a game way beyond your skill level.

Lets put it like this in Valorant people whine and cry like you, in CS GO nobody cares. Quite evident what kind of crowd of players Valorant a stuck with, but than again that is what they were going for with their art style. OW made the same mistake…

It is part of the game no matter what hero you are on, if you are not playing around protection you are literally throwing, but again I get it low ranks and all.

Non of that is actually true within the real context of the game and not just some made up fantasies. Your struggles are literally not transferable to every single player in the universe. Second to this, some times you are just outplayed. Maybe its time to admit to yourself you are the one lacking and not the game design. Learn some new heroes, and swap. Right now I am beyond certain you do not.

Sniper sniper snipers… you sound like something broken, what trauma could a sniper possibly have caused you? In OW you do not need to play a sniper if you do not want to, and beating a sniper is easier than ever. If they are better players than you it really wont matter what they are playing they will still beat you, but if you are again willing to play something favourable you will increase your odds of winning.

So which specific FPS games are you talking about, if not those games?

This game released with snipers and one shoots. It was part of the vision for the game and you had a whole beta+6 years of OW to figurae that out. You quitting this game is prolly way over due at this point, but hey keep whining and ruining the game for others some more. Not like the game is rushing towards success any time some either, and catastrophic changes like these are not helping and as predicted you are still whining in spite of them. So one must really wonder, what did they achieve? They tried to appease you, but yet you whine. One could only hope they realize their mistake and understand what players they should focus on. Staying true to the original vision of the game will always be the best option.

Does any character need to be in the top pick for most heroes?

Every single game I see Hanzo. I just want him nerfed to the ground already. He deserves it.

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Not really.

Although, it’s not like high ELO has much of anything to do with overall player retention and growth.
Beyond a bit of marketing value.