Hanzo isn’t balanced

That is a Geoff Goodman quote there, not some community manager who barely knows anything about the inner workings of the game.

This table corroborates Goodman’s info.

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Okay. It’s still wrong. Everyone can make mistakes. Geoff is a human like every other person.

I’m skeptical about your claim without any corroborating evidence. However, even if it has been convincingly shown that Ana’s dart is even smaller, it is not mutually exclusive with the statement that Hanzo’s arrows have one of the smallest projectile sizes in the game.

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It may not be “huge” but it doesn’t have to be big to have a huge effect. The impact it often has when it actually hits a headshot is much greater than almost any other projectile in the game, and some head hitboxes are pretty big on top of that.

If you’re comparing projectiles that just outright kill players, it’s no contest. Hanzo obviously wins that comparison. It doesn’t matter if almost any other stray projectile hits a player, it won’t kill them from full health without help. The only other projectile that does this is Roadhog’s alt fire and he requires a pretty specific distance away from the target (around 9 to 13 meters). If one projectile hits one player’s head that isn’t Roadhog’s or Hanzo’s, no big deal, they’re not dead from full health.

Me personally, what I dislike the most is that he never has to reload. Sure his fire rate is slow, and it would make little real-world sense with a quiver of arrows, but man do I get salty when I compare him with Pharah. And he gets a machinegun mode thrown in cuz why not

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Your hitbox is fat. The hitbox on his arrows are the smallest in the game.

As a hanzo player myself, I can say, there are two sides to this - Yes, having no falloff and a fast fire rate, means if you know where to spam, you do get lucky shots sometimes from long range, but he is not really a sniper. He’s mid range, his shots are inconsistent at long range, even if you’ve got cracked aim.

Right in your face, he’s deadly, but so is reaper.

But getting those mid range head shots, it’s not as easy as some might think - it’s all about reading the movement of the enemy, catching them mid animation etc . . . . His arrow speed is dependant on bow charge level, AND there is gravity fall to think about. Believe me when I say there is a lot of calculation goes into getting sick shots at mid range.

I agree, when it comes to spamming chokes, that really is low skill high reward, but while there is luck to hanzo, particuarly on defence on chokes, there is also a heck of a lot of skill to be consistant on every map. How many pharah mains here see a hanzo and think “I’d better switch off” Head shotting a pharah? That’s not an easy shot to pull off.

Don’t compare Hanzo with Reaper, Hanzo can destroy any tank or squishy from more than 10 meters and with “Spam arrows” he can do a nice 350 without any effort, Reaper instead needs to be 1 meter from his target for do “maybe” a headshot to a 200 hp hero and the spread is not good even with the buff of February, of the 20 bullets per shot 12 hits the target, only with tanks this works, specialy after the damage nerf you NEED to aim for the head if you want to do something with him :sweat_smile::ghost::heart:


The whole hero is just one big lucky shot.

I hate it.

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Yeah i respect more Ash and Widowmaker mains, at least they are more fair than Hanzo :ok_hand:

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Widow has to use her Ult to know when you are about to quickly peep your head out and check if the cost is clear unlike x ray vision on tap (sonic arrow). putting pressure on a hanzo and diving him is way more scary than on a widow - at least in lower tiers - and in higher tiers the widow has to be really skilled without spam on tap.

Frankly a death from any sniper feels cheap, but hanzo somehow feels cheaper. I’d rather die from a soldier who at least has to put his neck on the line and be closer to the fight.


Just give Hanzo a reverse falloff mechanic- there he’s balanced. No more bs barrel stuffing (bow stuffing?) headshots of panic. Plus it actually gives him a reason to have leap and storm arrows- to save it if an enemy gets close; not to give him free shield spam.

(Plus would a damage reduction on sonic be too much to ask for? I know it’s a non issue but a: that thing is blunt as hell, and b: for such insane utility it also gets full damage and kill potential. Let’s make hanzos actually think about what they’re doing pls)

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The entire shimada clan including their father is broken, it’s not just hanzo

Do you like anyone? Any DPS?

Also, have you finished Returnal?

More like, you want the hero gutted out of existence because you have poor positioning and a lack of awareness of your surroundings. If you show me a replay of a Hanzo 1 shotting you, I can provide you with tips

Basically everything past 20 meters.

His abusers of course will come to his defense as “a skill character” and yet most of them couldn’t do well with say Widowmaker. My biggest gripe is his peek and fire. I have a 144hz system, running Nvidia Reflex+Boost, and about 45 ms ping on average. Yesterday in deathmatch waiting on a game, a Hanzo peek fires me. I literally never see him, but on his screen, it shows a clear shot and me in full body… that means the “favor the shooter” definitely makes his one-shot crapola a lot easier to pull off than it should be. Also, Hanzo should not be in the business of a tank destroyer with SA. I have to say he annoys me a bit less than McCree, but not by much.

I’m fine with Hanzo one shooting me across the map, but storm arrows though… God what an awful ability

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Nerf Storm Arrows, but base projectile speed, lower projectile size.

Most dps in the game got a combo that enable them to secure kill on squishies…

  • Mccree got fan the hammer
  • Mei got freeze+headshot combo
  • Doomfist got rocket punch
  • Junkrat got trap+mine
  • Reaper got headshot
  • Widowmaker got headshot
  • Echo got bomb+beam combo.

The ones who don’t got one shot tend to have very high consistent damage (& Genji who can get one shot if the enemies run 120 damage or more in one burst) or some sort of utility/benefit that allows them to put their damage more easily…

And it’s not like Hanzo doesn’t have counters, his projectiles speed+gravity makes him only good on the mediun range where enemies are close enough for him to predict their movement and react.
If you either dive him or poke him he becomes much weaker.
So if you run something like Reinhardt-Zarya-Mccree-Junkrat-Moira-Brigitte it’s on you for losing…

Hanzo’s problem is mostly lack of counters from some roles. Dps have more than enough counters (Tracer,Genji,Pharah,Widowmaker,Ashe etc…) but tanks tend to struggle only providing protection using dive (matrix+ Hammond’s cc) since with the exception of Orisa there’s no real tank who can protect pokers… And even Orisa- she uses shields which are something Hanzo is pretty good against.

The support role is a bit more diverse but still not perfect… Lucio & Ana are your best solutions, using tools like range or speed to get an advantage but then, Ana doesn’t provide any utility against him which only keeps Lucio as a useful help to the team against him.

Overall I would say the biggest problem of Hanzo is mostly lack of support & unique tanks before anything.
Can be nice seeing some new dps counters and maybe decrease Symmetra’s head in order to give her a chance at that job (turrets are already great tools for Hanzo’s slow fire rate) but overall I think tanks & support are the best answer we can have…