Hanzo is Strong Right Now


Storm Arrows, 10 second cooldown; 65 damage per shot, 5 shots. Total damage is 325.

Fan the Hammer. no cooldown, 6 shots, 50 damage each shot. Total damage 300.

Focusing Beam, 9 second cooldown 50 damage per second for 2 seconds, if under 50% health, 175 damage per second for 2 seconds. 350 damage.

Dynamite, 12 second cooldown, up to 50 damage per target plus 100 damage over time (5 seconds), total damage 750

Configuration: Assault, 12 second cooldown, 6 second duration, 12x30 shots per second; total damage is, 2,160.

Even if you were to factor in the possibility of a critical hit from Storm Arrows, it still wouldn’t make up for the reliability and sheer output of similar cooldowns that do more damage on area effect.

It’s not.

This is false. Just blatantly false.

Yes she can. 13x10 damage on her primary, non-scoped fire. It does 130 damage per second at 100% accuracy. This is higher than Sojourn’s primary fire at 9x14

Not more mobility. Lunge is a 5 second cooldown that lunges 5 meters in a half-second. Walking speed is 5.5 meters. Lunge covers that .3 seconds faster.

Widowmaker has a Grappling Hook with 20 meters of range on a 12 second cooldown. that’s 2.2 lunges, and more than double that distance… in any direction.

Infra-Vision covers more than 100 meters. Recon Arrow just covers 9. So Infra-Vision is more than 10 times more powerful.

If you want people to agree with you; actually make a convincing argument backed with facts, instead of falsehoods.

Same distances, actually. Up to a certain point, because Hanzo’s arrows arc, there will be a point where they’ll drop to the ground before reach a very distant target. So both Ashe and Widow have better effective distance than Hanzo. With the small maps, though, this isn’t likely to be a realistic scenario.

All you’ve done is repeat falsehoods, failed to use proper comparisons, or even argue objectively and fairly about what Hanzo can and cannot do.

Unaware of suppressive fire, it seems.

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After playing against good Hanzos, and watching great ones. The one thing that makes me most scare of him is his juking mobility, not a whole lot of heroes is able to chase him down if he decides to hug a wall and a rooftop.

There is a lot of map gribble spots in new maps.

Esp esperenza and Toronto etc

It will be fixed overtime.

It takes quite a bit of skill to execute some rollouts.

It’s about as annoying as a doomfist rollout or less.

Honestly if they add wall climb to all heroes plenty of issues would be solved.

Apex did the same.

Dasris writing another essay on how hanzo came and stole babies

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I could see more new heroes getting it, but I doubt many existing heroes will get it. Everyone that could vault over walls or platform already has an ability that can do it, and those that can’t, can still get a character that can help them over via Symmetra or Lifeweaver.

Team based abilities suck, i think a few squishies can, zen can float up, ana could get some bhoop of nade or something that only affects her.

I don’t I’m sure they can animate decent wall climb for most heroes.

Show me some examples of fan the hammer that are used on multiple targets? They don’t. By higher elo Cass they are used mostly against tanks. Storm arrows can more often secure kills on multiple targets, and have much more control than FTH.

Again, 1 target. Focus beam isn’t spam, and is mostly securing a kill on 1 target.

Again, very assumptive wording on your part. So Ashe dynamite can kill a Tracer, but for pretty much anyone else it hits she needs to follow up and secure the kill or needs help from teammates. It’s not spam and is on longer cooldown.

This one I’ll concede. However I will add that Bastion has some very clear weaknesses while in this mode (and even outside of this mode), while Hanzo is effective in every range and position.

This is just silly. Her unscoped fire has major spread, and Widows are not dueling close range yet you make it sound like they are. She’s the quintessential sniper archetype, and does not fare well when someone gets up on her.

Watch this video to see why Hanzo fares MUCH better and can simply turn and 1-shot anyone who gets close to him (which Widow can only do with significant skill): youtu.be/zIu6NB2NJm0

What? You’re entirely overlooking his passive wallclimb. He can absolutely cover more space than a Widow in shorter time.

Ok yeah, so what you’re describing is a more surgical version of Infravision, meaning Hanzos can spam sonic into every fight. Widow uses hers, which shows more range certainly, but has to build it back up. Most high elo players agree Sonic Arrow is way more useful over the course of many team fights than sprinkling a few Infravisions into the match.

I’m sorry, you’re wrong. Test this out, or watch the video I linked above. Hanzo arrows hit head hitboxes .34m away while other hitscans require .21m to register. Hanzo’s arrows register further away, and netcode of “Favor the Shooter” favors him more than hitscan (due to projectile), thus players often get sucked back into his shots (which hit from .34m away as opposed to .21m away).

I’d say the real point is that it’s not a Balance Issue. (I.e. Related to the Variety of Worthwhile Heroes)

It’s a Counterplay Enjoyment issue.

Hanzo, Widow and Sojourn just have really unenjoyable Counterplay design. As compared to the Sniper Counterplay in pretty much any other modern FPS game.

HotTake: Snipers are strangling Playerbase Growth

Always found it weird that Ana never had any mobility options. But then again, Blizzard likes to lie in their trailers…

Storm Arrows can get 2 kills with 4 arrows. The fifth target won’t be killed unless they’ve already taken damage. Additionally, you have to hit head shots for all the arrows.

There’s an achievement spray for getting more than one kill with Focusing Beam. And I’ve managed to kill three targets with one Focusing Beam.

As for whether it is spam or not, is irrelevant. It is a on a 9 second cooldown. Storm Arrows is also on a 10-second cooldown and can’t be spammed.

Ashe isn’t likely to kill Tracer with Dynamite, as Tracer can Recall to clear the burn effect or rush to a healthpack to clear the burn and heal up.

As for everyone else, it’ll depend. Most heroes can survive 175 damage, most attentive supports can heal through it. That is irrelevant. Your argument was total damage, and that Storm Arrows was the most powerful ability on a 10 second cooldown. It is still false, and any argument for otherwise, is moving the goalposts.

Irrelevant. Storm Arrows, again, is not the most powerful ability in the game.

Unscoped spread is 3.00 degrees. Both Sombra and Tracer have wider spreads (and do more damage, too).

And I was not the one arguing that Widowmaker couldn’t duel in close-range. I said they could, because their primary fire is more than adequate, you’re arguing that they couldn’t.


Not to mentioned poorly argued. Never once comes up to the idea that the stages assist him in landing those shots, in much the same way that Tanks benefit from having the small maps and capture points.

Wallclimb is vertical, needs a wall. Widowmaker just fires her Grappling Hook and crosses 20 meters in 1 seconds (faster than Mercy would take for the same distance).

Spamming a 12 second cooldown with a 6 second refresh. You understand what “spam” means, right?


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I’ve always found it weird that Storm Arrow is the only ability in the entire game that people act like it can’t be combined with primary fire.

I can press RMB and LMB on Soldier and get two shots out consecutively too. Not a new feature and Hanzo isn’t a special case here. At best, all you can do is cancel the recovery from the primary fire.

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Well yeah, one precharged arrow, immediately followed by 5 Storm Arrows is 450 to 900 damage in a 1.2sec burst.

By comparison, Bastion Sentry mode does 432 damage over a 1.2sec burst, and it can’t headshot.

I’m okay with Widow. She’s a sniper and that’s a tried and true formula in an FPS, it changes the nature of the match. Hanzo though is different. He’s pretty mobile and can “snipe” at full effectiveness from any range with no real commitment. When Widow headshots you, you know you messed up your positioning. When Hanzo headshots you, it feels random. You can’t very well stay out of his LoS all the time, he moves too much. You just have to hope he misses.

It’s really not.

HotTake: Snipers are strangling Playerbase Growth

Other FPS games have way more enjoyable counterplay design against their Snipers.

  • COD/Battlefield have severe damage reduction at range, with extremely bright “Scope Glint”. BattleField even has Reverse damage dropoff at closer ranges.
  • Apex, bullet drop, but also you can’t oneshot with the Kraber unless it’s damage boosted with a large stationary deployable. And the Kraber is an extremely rare lategame pickup with limited ammo.
  • TF2, the Sniper is extremely squishy with basically no escape when rushed at close range. And a Spy with a Deadringer, Spycicle, and either Enforcer, Diamondback, Ambassador just gets free kills on them.
  • Halo, just shooting even 1 point of damage descopes a Sniper, and they get 8 total bullets, with generally shorter ranged maps. Not to mention extremely bright “Scope Glint”. And otherwise just avoid maps you don’t like.
  • CS/Valorant, it’s extremely risky to buy sniper rifles for Econ reasons, and otherwise there’s just a ton of smokes/flashes, and the vast majority of the level design is shorter ranges. And otherwise 2 bullets from an Assault Rifle or even 1 Deagle shot is enough to counter right back.

By comparison, with Overwatch:

  1. Hiding behind a wall/barrier 90% of the game is frustrating/boring.
  2. Trying to dive Widow/Hanzo when they can either easily run away, or drop 450-900 damage in 1.2sec. Is frustrating and unreliable.
  3. Sniping Snipers with more Snipers, just makes the issue worse for everybody else.

A part of me wants to agree and just have the one shot removed. But the spiteful part says leave him alone. You destroyed his fun factor when scatter was removed so deal with it.

Lol every character is a spam character if ur just holding left click which like every hanzo isn’t.

Ladder meta is JQ. Both snipers are insane right now. Nothing is stopping Widow lol.

Exactly. Please find me some clips where fan the hammer secures two kills, or focus beam. It does not happen with the same frequency as storm arrows, which… also bounce for literally no reason. Dynamite can get kills on multiple targets, but again it requires either follow-up shots from Ashe or requires help from her team.

Mostly securing a kill on one target. Just because this can happen doesn’t mean it is happening often. Storm Arrows is securing kills on multiple targets more frequently than focus beam.

Talk about moving goalposts. Who is talking about Tracer and Sombra lol? What relevancy do they have to this conversation. The fact you’re even trying to argue that Widow can duel in close range is completely asinine.

An ability on 12-second cooldown which can be placed into every fight has much more frequency than an ultimate which isn’t being used every fight. If you had to apply spam label to Sonic Arrow or Infravision, which one would qualify most? Sonic Arrow. You’re trying to play a game of semantics and you’re silly for it. You know Sonic is being used more frequently, and you know it has much more value than Widow ult.

LOL. Irrelevant that Hanzo arrows hit headshots .34m away and others are .21m away. Sure. Irrelevant just because you say so. Haha.