Hanzo is still AWFUL

“Slight buffs” to Hanzo— and all he gets is faster dragons when he ults…???

Not asking for the one shot back, but this hero needs a cooldown reduction on ALL THREE ABILTIES, or he will never be able to keep up.

It’s actually so sad to me that Hanzo still sucks because he’s my favorite hero in the game. I love bow and arrow attackers and I feel like I am throwing not picking a hitscan.


so we get more spam storm arrows, no thanks

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Wasn’t his ultimate ability used as a zoning tool like Cassidy’s? Wouldn’t that be a nerf?

Yeah for sure, let’s just let the hero die and rot while all the hitscan heros run the lobbies. Cool!

I am 99.99% sure that the devs simply don’t know what to do with Hanzo atm.

Hanzo is in a real bad spot, this is probably the weakest he has ever been since release but unfortunately his entire kit is built around burst.

Even without 1-shot, he is still a bursty hero, his abilities and primary don’t fit the direction the devs want to take Overwatch. So we receive this stupid buff instead until he is put on the rework list.

Exactly, he is definitely getting at least a soft rework at some point in the near future.

This buff smells of “we know he is weak, but we don’t wanna mess things up until we figure out what the hell are we gonna do with him, so here’s a cookie for you Hanzo mains”.

Or maybe they’re completely out of touch and they truly believe this is what Hanzo needed. It’s hard to tell at this point honestly.

To me this felt like “let’s change this number and see what happens. If it sucks, we’ll do something bigger later.”

They could’ve made his dragon longer too so it doesn’t lose any zoning pretty much but whatever.