Hanzo is ruined

Overwatch had the best TTK, movement in gaming and they ruined that increasing the hp, hitboxes.

by Valorant heroes I mean cool hitscan alternatives.

Ok and it clearly didn’t translate to more dollars or more players when the game was braindead last season. Yet coincidentally this season the devs have stated playtime across qp and comp is significantly higher to the point that this is the first season they have ever seen where more people are playing comp than qp, and this just so happens to be the highest skill meta in overwatch 2 since beta

I’m aware, I also suggested something very similar to this patch 3 months ago.


  • Less Burst Damage
  • Tank/DPS regen passive with 5sec activation
  • 20% less healing midcombat
  • A Pharah rework where she has less fuel regen in the air, but more on the ground, with a horizontal dash, and less selfdamage from explosions


I’m kind of on the side of, “If this character revolves around one-shots, that kind of sucks for everyone else”.

And I’m not mad about him losing it for the most part. I do want to see him have a more defined role, though. Maybe faster arrows, slightly less damage? Super stealthy damage? idk. I just want it to move away from one shots, otherwise, what was the point of the HP boost?


snipers will always be the most fun gameplay for me. i remember the old return to castle wolfenstein days. of course sniping in fps games is becoming less popular and hated. maybe it will disappear forever someday?


Finally. He has a bloated kit and too many escape abilities. He was also on the top end of projectile hero picks for a long time. It’s someone else’s turn to be in top.


Good, if a character is only playable because of a one shot or a burst combo, than that character is poorly designed and should be reworked (hanzo isn’t even bad in s9 a headshot is still a guaranteed kill most of the time, after all most heroes are left with 10 hp, it is incredibly easy to take this amount of damage just from random spam)


Hanzo is ruined in the sense that he is now giga broken, and everyone hates him even more

While you may claim to understand game balance ,which I don’t believe, since your takes are trash and shortsighted (with no personal analytic input, based on unrelated data and articles), please don’t claim to understand sales and marketing. Why not? It’s literally my job —you clearly don’t get it.

The direction of the patch clearly shows that OW will be much less skill expressive in terms of mechanical skill. Lower skill floor as well as lower skill ceiling.

That also means the game is now way more team dependent, b/c most of the solo carry potential came from mechanical skill diff.

It seems the devs want MMORPG level teamplay without sustain. SoloQ becomes more like a casino.

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Literally he was the most hated hero in the game. No one cares about your sense of identity when you’re ruining the game for everyone else.

Also he’s stronger now, so why complain??

Now Widow is the worst designed hero in the game. They should give her the same treatment as Hanzo: Make her stronger, but remove her oneshot.

How many hundreds of millions of dollars of ACV have you managed?

Could you explain how the top 1% of the playerbase is critical to a Free-to-Paid Sales Funnel approach?

Or how about the CAC and Conversion rate on UnQualified Leads, from using OWL as a large market spend? And how would you attribute that?

The support player forum doesn’t care if Hanzo is bad or unfun now.


Which is what they did which has made the game better. That doesn’t mean hanzo isn’t bad, that just means your credibility isn’t in question as you suggested something similar

I tend to do that a lot.

Pulllleeese, Hanzo has been GOD OP for years , its about time something happened. I have no sympathy for hanzo players now feeling the way they are about him.

He is still godly up close , no more football field headshots, you will live.

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More hitscans? And they are always meta.

I bet money when hanzo had the one you, someone like you would get one headshot every 20 games. Widow is miles easier and way more oppressive than hanzo and yeah shes literally point and click. But go on about how a hero requiring prediction and having to take projectile drop into consideration is low skill compared to a hitscan hero that will delete you the second a pixel of your head shows up.

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Hanzo still plays pretty well in S9. He is no longer a 1-tap sniper, but he still does well as a ranged brawler and CQC storm arrow bot. Big hit box characters are his specialty targets (e.g., Bastion, Mauga, etc.), along with guarding choke points via Sonic Arrow.

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Tbh, it’s niche has been dying ever since 5v5 with the forced balance direction.