Hanzo is ruined

Losing Hanzo’s one shot is his whole identity. He no longer is a threat, there’s no reason to play him when you can just play Widow.

I used to main Hanzo on sniper maps instead of Widow, but now there’s no point…Widow it is.

It’s funny that during OW1 there was a time when Hanzo had a faster projectile and could one shot, but now look at the state he’s in. You ruined one of the coolest heroes in the game!


it is weird with the voice lines. with a widow on the map the heroes do scream watch out for sniper! or keep your head downs sniper

but with hanzo just mum. no one cares about the guy with the bow and arrow hehe. hanzo has always been a projectile sniper so… but the true sniper is widowmaker?


Nah, only one thing that is cool about him its how he looks at Orisa


I got an easy fix for that.

Nothing about hanzo says one shot to me. I don’t get where this fantasy comes from. He shoots pointy sticks at people and it’s expected to one shot?


TLDR; my lowskill hero now requires skilll waaaaaaahh…


ironically he requires less skill than last season and is now purely a spam hero

his arrows got turned into logs and storm arrows got buffed. yippee!!


More like “Widow is gigabuffed, therefore do something that isn’t nerfing Widow”

Now all we need to do is gut widow’s one shot and we’ll be on the right track.


Never found one shots to be oppressive, outside of when Widow was doing it at any range.

Now with one less tank, we have her just farming and eating, and Hanzo just… Exists.

I miss my archer ninja.

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Yeah, that fix is to just play widow because hanzo will never be good in a meta where pretty much every single character can get shot in the head and not die to him. There is no reason to pick him over widow

So nerf Sojourn and Widow down to his level.


Sojourn already doesn’t oneshot you, so I don’t understand why you put them in the same class, and widow not being able to shot is stupid idea as well

Because you’re talking about tierlisting.

And there’s more ways to change tierlists than oneshots and buffs.

delete all the skill from the game, let the bot heroes run free is what you’re saying

Design the game around the playerbase they have, not Valorant.


When did I talk about a tierlist? I just said he was bad compared to widow because he can’t oneshot as a sniper when widow can. The point is that he’s inferior to widow regardless of how good widow is right now

If they ever want Overwatch to grow they need to make more Valorant like dps heroes.

It’s why this game has died on twitch, Overwatch’s dps scene left for Valorant and we only got one new dps hero since OW2 launch

Plenty of plat+ players play oneshot heroes. They aren’t going to develop the game around bronze and gold

How is that not tierlisting?