Hanzo is not a sniper anymore

It’s the game heroes hit boxes

The damn arrows are almost the same size as hit scan

An arrow is thicker than a damn bullet anyways

Go into the damn training arena and educated yourself

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The smallest projectile in the game is too big? Should we nerf DVA’s for being bigger? How about Torbs since it’s bigger? You can’t just make them so small they’re useless.

Yeah, til you get reported and banned for just picking him, or lose cuz your team throws for picking hanzo.

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Nah you just said a very valid point. thank you for convincing me.

Any hero who can reliably perform the two DPS roles will always be OP. Hanzo’s storm arrow needs a significantly higher cool down.

Maybe get better equipment. If you’re dying behind walls… that’s not a normal thing. Not for hanzo anyways

No problem my dude :slight_smile:

I have a set up its just the build in delay overwatch has…
When your peaking half the time id dive with your screen behind a corner/

I’ve never had that happen, and my setup is trash…

I’d start by shaving off an arrow, I don’t think you normally use it off cooldown as you’re waiting for a moment when it’s good and most time time are just trying to hit head shots with your m1

That’s an issue with peoples attitudes tho… Not the hero itself.
Hanzo was always viable.

It directly affects his viability though. He could have the kit that instantly deletes the team but if your team still throws and/or reports it doesn’t really matter

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It’s called “input lag” and Overwatch has it, they have said it openly.

If it happened consistently enough to be a problem, they probably woulda fixed it by now yeah? And then it wouldn’t just be a hanzo problem yeah?

I’m not sure hes supposed to be a sniper so much as a midrange marksman and scout. His burst arrow maybe should do a little less individual damage per arrow to make each shot need to count more, but otherwise he is in a good spot.

They’ve already nerfed it to where a headshot, on a tracer (assuming without armor) can’t kill, and where a mercy boosted headshot can’t kill 200 hp+ dps.

Ability to oneshot something doesnt make character a sniper. Hog can oneshot squishes(altho unreliably). DF can onepunch squishes. Are they now snipers too?

Neither Torb or DVA can kill you in one hit from full HP without aiming at you so why are they relevant in comparison?

Yes it is still too big.

Rein is a sniper LOL

I mean zen can, and ana. Clearly they should both be nerfed