they players who keep getting killed by random arrows?
Oh no I died to something nerf it
Hanzo was never a sniper he is played as a mid-range DPS character
People that never really played hanzo disagree
that’s not what the game says when you pick hanzo and widow
Hanzo is one of my most played characters so I can definitely say for sure he really isn’t played as a sniper XP that role is fulfilled by Widowmaker
Yes and dva is a tank, and zen and Brigitte and sym support. We all know they only do those things. Oh waiiiit
Hanzo is my most played hero and I can back this up
He was… Most people just couldn’t land shots consistently with him and therefore didn’t end up doing much while playing him hence Hanzo was considered a throw pick simply because 80% of the people playing him were inconsistent.
Maybe he never was meta before the rework but not viable? Eh, I’ve always seen him as viable.
Who blames hanzo players, they enjoy the free kills
Hanzo was viable if you were a god with him. Otherwise eh. Lacked mobility, lacked consistent damage, and struggled versus hitscan, and almost never got support from mercy. Zarya was less meta too, didn’t help
Any character can do that.
But if you want to ignore that the developers have said Hanzo has the smallest projectile hotbix in the game, then by all means continue to be delusional.
Your 3rd most played hero next to mercy and sym is tracer, who was/is broken for the past 9 seasons. What’re you on about lol
You are delusional because when have I ever said that isn’t true, The fact is that is still too big.
Oh wow, turning it personal.
Do you want hanzo to have to be in their faces to land shots? Tf lol
What’s personal about that? I said nothing about rank or hours
You didn’t need to be godtier at him.
I considered myself “good” with the old Hanzo, he was my go to pick when I felt the team needed more damage.
Jeff said Hanzo has the smallest projectiles in the game and i just cant believe that maybe if you play Overwatch with 0 ping and you don’t move then yes they might miss and feel small.
But no we have server delay, build in Overwatch delay, ping’s over 10 and we constantly move.
And now with his faster proj speed it feels like his abusing the delay more and its dumb.
His proj don’t even have to land on the target to hit and the crit box is so forgiving when it comes to Hanzo it’s laughable.
If i got a penny each time a Hanzo killed me behinde a corner with 20 ping i’d make a better game.