Hanzo is not a sniper anymore

They’ve already nerfed it to where a headshot, on a tracer (assuming without armor) can’t kill, and where a mercy boosted headshot can’t kill 200 hp+ dps.

Ability to oneshot something doesnt make character a sniper. Hog can oneshot squishes(altho unreliably). DF can onepunch squishes. Are they now snipers too?

Neither Torb or DVA can kill you in one hit from full HP without aiming at you so why are they relevant in comparison?

Yes it is still too big.

Rein is a sniper LOL

I mean zen can, and ana. Clearly they should both be nerfed

Haha. That’s because the training bots have oversized hit boxes, not because of Hanzo’s arrows. You can do that with Widowmaker too. Hell you can kill those bots by shooting their health bar.

Here you go:

Stick your fingers in your ears and scream if you want, but it doesn’t change the truth. It just makes you look like a fool.


I don’t remember a Mercy that killed me with one shot

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yeah, hog and reaper can one shot you by standing very close to you

My issue with Hanzo is that he’s a sniper with rapid fire shots that deal mega damage. Storm Bow is like giving Widowmaker rapid fire charged shots. I just don’t think it belongs on a sniper hero. Imo it’s bad hero design. Storm Bow takes his supposed weakness (close range) and removes it.


True, but that doesn’t mean he is not over tuned now.

But. He’s. Not. A. Sniper. He doesn’t have a scope, he doesn’t have hitscan. Both of the other ACTUAL snipers have both of those things.

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Hanzo wasn’t even a sniper ever since the game launched.
I don’t think its fair how he can one-shot headshot anyone no matter what range he is.
Although, what would the damage falloff be if there was one?
More Damage = Less Distance? Or More Distance = Less Damage?
Now he feels like one of those annoying close-range characters like Mei.


He’s a sniper hero, don’t kid yourself :wink:

Anyone, he can’t even 1 shot reaper, or mei, or any other hero with 240+ health. Or any hero with 200 health + armor which is way too common now

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Yeah, and zen can do 600 burst damage but he’s just a support don’t worry

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As a Hanzo main followed by your second favourite character Junkrat its clear why you would be opposed to having to aim to get kills. I don’t care if its the arrows or the character hit box thats broken… the fact is that its still broken.


Still though, that’s a lot of damage he can deal. If he is gonna be a sniper he needs damage falloff.

Is that why neither of the other snipers have falloff?

Oh come on, you are better than that. we have the logic, don’t make it personal

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As a tracer main I can’t imagine why you’d be salty about your bad positioning running into projectiles not meant for you lol