Hanzo is literally unplayable

I have thousands and thousands of hours on hanzo since 2016. 90% of my playtime is on him and it has all been a waste. Every iteration of this hero has been more and more unplayable. You literally have to have a mercy pocket every game. And let’s face it, they’ll pocket literally any other hitscan hero and get more value. I DO NOT understand why widow is not a problem but hanzo is when it comes to one-shot. He’s absolute garbage at the moment.

yeah… just played another game where i was getting rolled. picked ashe and dumped on everyone. I have maybe 1/20th (if not less) hours on her compared to hanzo. it’s just sad that i can’t play what i have fun with even in lower ranks anymore.


Yeah, Hanzo is in a bad spot right now. Before the season 9 changes I would easily get to GM1 locking Hanzo every game, now I have yet to reach GM5. I keep playing him though, because there’s also some joy in going against the norm, and doing the unexpected by popping off on a character everyone knows is trash.

I hope they make some changes to him sooner rather than later though, cause at this rate I won’t ever hit Champion.

I’m having trouble with Ashe after Season 9. I found all the other heroes I can get headshots but if I scope Ashe nothing hits. I can sniper better with Cass than Ashe for some dumb reason.

I have the exact same situation. I LOVE playing Hanzo but if I do that we crash down in ranked so I’m back playing Ashe or Mccree. Hanzo is nerfed so far down you can’t really do anything fun anymore.

This moment when your target has 10 HP after Crit shot and…:slight_smile:

Guys my Hanzo winrate is 35% I’ve never, ever seen anything below 48% since 2016.
I’m doing my absolute best and playing out of my head… still losing. Why does blizz hate him so much man…