Hanzo is a niche pick?

I’ve been seeing a lot of twitch influencers make these tier lists and always putting hanzo at C tier or niche…I thought he was really good tho? He’s like widow. Aim your aims or get smoked it’s not a hard concept to understand

You don’t understand how powerful hitscan is in its ability to get consistent damage out. When you pair it with a one shot its no wonder Sojourn/Widow over take Hanzo time and time again.

Hanzo NEEDS all the bloat in his kit to even rival the raw power Widowmaker gets by default for reliance on hitscan 1shots.

Its why Sojourn was so amazing. You give a hitscan oneshot method that is spammable enough to a unit, then give them a bloated kit like Hanzo.


He actually takes skill to play, you have to account for arrow drop and projectile speed. Storm arrows aren’t your panic button anymore since they got nerfed so you need to actually land your shots to benefit. Lets be honest, the community rather play easy hitscans than master projectile heroes. Widow is just miles better and way easier to pick up than hanzo. For everyone that enjoys hitscan heroes which is majority of players, hanzo is a niche pick because yes he will have those games where he will dominate but also games where you will do nothing. For the more masochistic players like myself that enjoys using harder skill heroes to profit, hanzo is S tier in my eyes. I have to put in double the effort the get team wipes with hanzo and I can pick widow for a few seconds and get team wipe without much effort. I say this from experience. Ive reached a point with hanzo where I can put in more work than widow but that took me 1700 hours to master. I pick up widow for a day when hanzo had the recoil bug and im going around getting team wipes left and right. It got boring real fast


I dont understand it either. To me hes pretty good. Hes like Ashe to me but a little bit more inconsistent in exchange of more burst dmg and oneshot potential.

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Hes simply not consistent enough to be as effective as his hitscan competitors with not enough compesation in his kit.

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he is still very common pick. he is just not meta currently

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this is actually a mediocre to bad take, since it conveniently ignores the advantage of big projectile hitboxes compared to precise high skill hitscan shots required
Hanzo is not bad, at least not Cassidy levels of bad, but he is not worth using over Junkrat because he can do what Hanzo does but better with no skill required.

? You have anything meaningful to add to this? Projectile size is worthless in this discussion and doesn’t disprove anything. All it does add to my argument of why Hanzo is not as good as Widowmaker.

You have an increased projectile size over hitscan and a bloated kit AND you aren’t even meta. Hitscan is overpowered as hell compared to projectile. All the more reason Hanzo isn’t as useful.

Some fun facts about Hanzo projectile size too.
Geoff went to add in that Hanzo has the smallest projectiles in the game back in 2018 and how small projectiles are compared to other heroes. Hanzo hasn’t has a change in projectile diameter unlike Junkrat.

In-game methods on custom games for figuring out projectile sizes. Hanzo mentioned along with a few other huge hitboxes.
https:/ /media.discordapp.net/attachments/469336466850447360/1035276205416529920/IMG_20221027_143235.jpg

Why would you play anything but sojurn on DPS…

Meta-wise here isn’t much of a point in picking anything that isn’t a hitscan or Tracer since they’re just far more consistent. Projectile based DPS heroes have a lot more factors that go into their shots determining if they land or not which makes them inconsistent (If not impossible to land vs certain heroes that can dodge before they ever hit), compared to hitscans where it’s click the enemy and that’s that.

If you’re not a good specialist with him, he’s just bad. That’s generally how it tracks anyway. He has a very particular skillset required.

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Hanzo is a generalist he plays into everything and with everything, only requirement is you need to be good with him.