Hanzo (I'm late to the conversation)

Even though I don’t play Hanzo like that, I did not like that Hanzo’s one shot was taken away. I think this was a bit unnecessary to completely gut him of his high skill ability to one shot. If I were to nerf him, I wouldn’t take away his one shot but I would have given more fall off damage so he would still be viable but he has to engage in the fight a lot more to get his normal value so he is no longer typical sniper but an engaging clean up man. Taking away his one shot was too much. Just give him more fall off.

Just buff his attack speed and issue resolved.

Hanzo isn’t even weak. He was not gutted. He still is one of the most picked DPS. And hitting his projectiles are even easier now. He still absolutely melts tanks. And he pretty much still has a one shot assuming his target is slightly damaged.

Spot the gold player.