Hanzo disabled in comp?

I just watched a streamer on twitch and hanzo had text where it said that he has been disabled in comp.

Has this happened to anyone else? Because i haven’t been playing comp recently.

Just came to ask about this, very weird



Can someone please find an Orisa bug too?


Sombra, sym, and torb to please.

Uh oh. Does this mean non comp modes are going to be rapid fire hanzo.

Unfortunately yes, it does

So uh, just a quick update… he is just gone for me entirely? Like, out of the collection? Lol

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I just played a game where he was enabled though ?

Oh? Maybe he’s been fully removed like Bastion was at launch

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It’s not like that for me tho, i can still see him and go through his skins etc.

Sub machine gun Hanzo was here just for a small time

he is banned everywhere

They should make that bug a feature frfr amarite?

Currently he’s gone entirely for me, just like bastion at launch; not even appearing in the gallery or achievements menu lol

Hm that’s weird why it’s different lol.

Finally the nerf to one-shots everyone wanted

Lol I was just about to play comp today and I’m a Hanzo main. Guess ill just take it easy and play widow or sombra until then.

Yay… more power to bastion/less counters… hurrah

A season without game breaking bugs? What do you think this is? Old Blizzard?