Hanzo Desperately Needs Buffs or Bring One Shots Back

You don’t know the meaning of the word “oxymoron.” Don’t call anyone else dumb, dude. I’ve used your screenshots as a meme template.

The hero identity is a sniper and archer. A one shot was never actually necessary for that. Hanzo can’t have the one shot back because it would be too easy to hit now.

That is 100% the point. It’s not that Hanzo players necessarily want the hero to be overpowered. They want him to be interesting. Again, most Hanzo players would sacrifice Storm Arrows if it meant getting the one-shot back, because that was infinitely more fun. This is a videogame — it’s meant to be enjoyable. Hanzo players currently play him with the hope he’ll be given a way to be fun to play.

He was a skillful and difficult hero to play before, but you knew that if you were good enough at the hero you could reach high ranks. Skills don’t matter anymore, it’s all about how much you can maximize making a tank player’s life miserable.

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If you completely remove Storm Arrow I’m fine with the one shot coming back. Otherwise no. He can’t get Tank busting spam AND a one shot

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Hanzo players have been asking that the team reverts the projectile size buff and nerf Storm Arrow in favor of returning the one-shot. Part of the identity was hitting calculated one-shots, because they were difficult to hit. That’s the hero Hanzo was. Otherwise, they’d just be asking for buffs.


Then sure. But I’m absolutely sure that most Hanzo players don’t want that. Most people are entitled regarding their main

This is true. But high rank Hanzo players know what they want, and it’s the one-shot really. We would much sooner have the one-shot with no Storm Arrows than broken Storm Arrows and no one-shots, even if that would make him less versatile and weaker than he was before. At least we would know that our skill matters.


He’s not so much bad if you just play braindead spamzo with the storm arrow and that is what Blizz wants.

Blizz deliberately confused the casuals or gen z with the braindead W+M1 people. So they make games more and more in the direction.

I mean, I’m fine with a trade. I have nothing against it

Yes, I can tell you watched Flats’ tier list from this comment lol. There is a reason there was a big uproar over the S9 changes.

He will get it, cause his dumb soldier spamzo hanzo playstyle is the only playstyle that works now.

I keep saying we dont need that when we have you here.

See talking with zero idea about 7 years of someone plinking heads to go rub sand.

IS stealth assain ninja archer, this is the exact identity of him, he cant get kills easily without oneshots when people are aware, and the whole hero is tied to storm spam to secure kill and everything now.

Dude the hero has been ruined of his primary playstyle.

The only thing unnecessary is you spamming in a thread about a hero whose identity you have zero idea off.

Bruh. we have already come to a consensus that is agreeable to both sides.

Just say you want the one-shot back and be done with it.

It’s not controversial to say he shouldn’t have the ability to one-shot and also the ability to burst down tanks.

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Dont be afraid of qrow spam this much :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I have always wanted storm nerfed from the start, but devs keep buffing it always as if to spite hanzo mains.

that said no point in negotiating anything until backstabbing traitors who made this cowardly patch to kill hanzo first acknowledge properly and repent.

the reddit AMA answers are extremely bad.

reducing other heroes to give hanzo one shot on a few heroes is bad.

As genji mains will cry in a week and revert it.

Its not permanent and wont be consistent.

You’re right about this. We don’t like tank spam at all, which is the whole point of the discussion.

Unfortunately, these are the cards the balance team has dealt us.

Did they never consider that nerfing/changing Storm Arrows in some way would reduce burst damage overall? Absolutely ridiculous.


There are so many changes that could be made to Storm Arrow after adding one-shot back.

You could cut the damage to 65-70 and reduce the count to 3 or 4 and reduce the RoF. You could make it that it’s another bow type he switches to (similar to Life Weaver’s old damage/healing toggle) that makes him shoot a bit faster with less damage, that functions in a similar fashion to current Storm Arrows (which would also reduce seemingly random bounce kills). You could completely replace the ability… They don’t think about other alternatives that would keep Hanzo players happy while at the same time reducing complaints.


what sniper cant oneshot? They are no sniper then

Ashe? Ana?

There are just as many non one shot snipers as one shot snipers when counting Hanzo as a one shot hero

they arent snipers then, ashe is more akin to a marksman, whilst ana cant even headshot so she shouldnt be considered a sniper either

I mean, many disagree, including the devs. I’ve always called Ashe my favorite sniper.

Post with my thoughts and rework idea is up. I feel like this is pretty good, but would like to hear other opinions.