Thank you, I was very worried in the possibility it wasn’t a bug.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. This patch isn’t a clown, it’s the entire circus!
Now not to be rude, but could y’all keep it? We’re not quite so interested in having it ourselves…
Ty…though I beg you to reconsider the ability altogether….scatter arrow is gone for a reason….please don’t bring back any of it
I would also ask why bring back Cassidy roll given it was already walked back once recently
Let’s keep it that way.
I Lol’d IRL at this.
Hi Andy.
Can you feed back that the entire patch should be reverted because all of it is ridiculous even without the bug?
Changes of this magnitude should at minimum be put onto experimental first.
Hi Andy can you please don’t let them apply any of the patch changes they are terrible as you can see on the newest forum posts.
Keep it that way respectfully
While you’re at it, maybe keep that patch. No offense to the balance team but it wasn’t great
Hopefully it stays reverted.
Are you able to give comment on the decision to push this patch straight to live instead of having an experimental card? I know some of the specific changes have been on experimental in the past but some of them also haven’t.
Forever if possible.
Please delay it further and give Moira a proper change, since the -17% ultimate charge nerf and other changes she’s gotten over the past 2 years she’s performing worse than ever.
edit: not saying the Moira fade change is bad I love it and so do many others, it will help her make plays, it’s just I don’t think her fade is the problem with her performance currently.
The only acceptable change here is the moira fade buff, everything else should stay reverted.
Well, I’m glad it got pulled, but I’d personally wish the team would take whoever let this go live with a bug that egregious and flagellate them with a wet noodle for a few days.
how come this patch wasnt on the experimental first anyways? like it went live right away right??
Yall reverted the entire patch because of 1 of the changes having a bug???
I don’t think there reign of terror was brief
AFAIR each of these changes was in an ExCard previously, albeit some with different values that we tweaked before pushing to live.