Hanzo balancing idea

#nanovalk LMAO

imagine seeing a moth flying at you at 11 mps with a pistol

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This would make him the best hero in the game.

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He also gave us bap, and thought it would be ok to have Moira fade the entire team luckily it never came to live.


And when rip-tire was the 2nd best

Iā€™d like to throw my guess out there.
I think itā€™s because Sigma was so obviously developed for Open Queue, while GOATS existed, and like pretty much every other tank, needed a lot of changes upon introduction of 2-2-2.
Sigma was being introduced into a game with GOATS, which would have rushed him down and deleted him.
And suddenly that was all changed to 2-2-2 and although they knew this change would happen, they didnā€™t exactly have a massive balance patch ready to change the game for 2-2-2.

They even said their previous design philosophy for tanks was that they usually assumed thereā€™d only be one and so buffed them.

So when you put all that together itā€™s not hard to see why Sigma became overtuned. he was a product of GOATS, Tank balance philosophy, 2-2-2, and his release window.

I mean in fairness Mercy was so OP that it almost didnā€™t matter what comp you rang cus she could work with it. Itā€™s been the only time in the games history where there has been a true must pick across every single rank.

or, reduce Storm arrows to 3, buff the damage to 80.
This makes Storm arrows an effective comboing tool, a Tracer killer (could always use more of those) and the lack of arrows encourages accuracy.

Instead of making his primary overtuned and gutting storm arrows to be beyond useless.

His primary wouldnā€™t be overtuned.

His Primary is fine as is.
It doesnā€™t need any buffs.
If you nerf storm arrows, buff storm arrows.

This would be a net buff, and make an already arguable slightly overtuned hero, busted.

I would rather give him double dash and remove his storm arrows.

Give him a single lighting arrow that blasts anyone it hits back a lot.

Make hanzo cool.

well yeah but one thing remained the same, you atleast needed a competent team to actually have a chance of winning as mercy 2.0

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he dont needs compensation. jjust nerf storm arrrow and mccree.


Why? Someone has to have the lowest. If this is your argument then the current lowest needs buffed, then the new lowest needs buffed and so on. Why not Hanzo when he has such a good primary already and he has sonic arrow which is a great ability. His problem is that both his abilities and his primary fire are all too good. He doesnā€™t need a compensation for making one of them worse.

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Heā€™s also the same person that okayd brig and lamp existing so idk if I would trust his opinion tbh

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What is the point of this statement? As the lead hero design dev Iā€™m sure heā€™s had his hands on EVERY character in the game. The ones you do like and the ones you donā€™t.

That does not change the fact that they are still the ones in control.

Logical fallacy. No one has to have the lowest; everyone is comparable.

Not the argument.

This is false.

Hanzoā€™s performance is generally inconsistent, he barely averages a 33% accuracy (so heā€™s not even hitting tanks accurately) and critical hit rate is also pretty low for someone whoā€™s very dependent on them. Of the arrows that actually hit their target, less them five of them critically hit.

Obviously, higher-skilled and higher ranked players are more capable of landing their shots; but thatā€™s not the norm. The rest of the playerbase isnā€™t in the professional brackets and few players will encounter that situation. Storm Arrows has improved his base accuracy, partially, and thereā€™s no denying that. But heā€™s a far cry from being overpowering. He has some of the tiniest projectiles in the game, an incredibly slow fire rate and an over 60% chance of missing his target. He cannot reliably land all five Storm Arrows, let alone get them to critically hit most targets.

Ashe at the moment, does more damage, has a higher accuracy, has a higher ability kill count and even BOB is averaging a higher kill count than Dragonstrike. Hanzo isnā€™t bad, but heā€™s not really showing the same consistency or performance that Ashe is.

Here we go
I love Arrge
but man I hate Hanzo being so OP
Storm arrows absolutely destroy any tank when he hard flanks to shoot from behind
The achievement should be reworked too if they are gonna change them because I still canā€™t get the achievement with 5 storm arrows lol imagine with 3