Hanzo and Widow have been out of control for too long and it needs to stop

I don’t understand what drugs the developers have taken to make them think it’s okay to keep these 2 broken heroes in the state they’ve been in for so long; knowing full well they’re one of the primary causes for the Double Shield meta in the first place, yet giving them yet again, another slap on the wrist nerf.

Widowmaker has too few disadvantages. She can lose matchups easily up close but she still has her grapple to instantly get to her team and if a Widow is good; good luck killing her when the Mercy is pocketing her so she can carry.

She does way too much damage to the body for a hero that’s supposed to be rewarded for precision and without any normal sniper flaws such as falloff, bullet drop, scope sway, or low ammo there isn’t anything to make it even slightly more difficult for her to take shots besides cowering behind the map’s geometry or a shield which are all getting nerfed next patch.

This isn’t even to mention she doesn’t have to be fully charged in order to get a headshot kill which I believe is absolutely absurd considering how small her charge time is.

Don’t even get me started on the insanity that is Hanzo.


  • Super high mobility
  • insane burst damage
  • insane close range power
  • effective at all ranges
  • amazing utility

He can do everything and it is STUPID. Why he’s only gotten slap on the wrist nerfs is beyond my comprehension.

When your character is good at being a tankbuster, a sniper, a barrier buster, an assassin and an ult machine. Something is Wrong.

Nerf these two monsters for the good of the game before you empower them even more.


Yeah, they arent healthy for the game but the devs have a bias and they bring in more OWL views.

Brace yourself for the Widow stans.


I do find it a bit funny how Symmetra got nerfed because of her high damage and that both snipers are allowed to have high damage.

I also find it funny how Sombra got nerfed because she was oppressive, but the snipers are allowed being oppressive.

Look, I’m not asking for nerfs here, but I am wondering why some dps heroes are being treated different than other dps heroes.


Widow got nerfed and that’s enough. :man_shrugging: She doesn’t need anything further.

I don’t know about Hanzo, he’s questionable.


The developers are fine, it is the community that seems to be on something and whatever it was, I never took it either.

You people never actually state facts, you just embellish their mobility and close range prowess while preaching to a choir about how OP that is. It is like… Okay?


a 2 second addition to her cooldown on grapple is a slap on the wrist and DOES NOT address her core issues.

She can lob high damage shots down lanes way too fast and has effectively zero other disadvantages. You can only really stop a Widow from sniping. It is hard to kill her when she knows how to flee and position.


I don’t think you can exaggerate any more than that.


2 second cooldown is a revert; back to when she used to be considered a sub-optimal pick. They buffed her to 8 and then 10 iirc. The cooldown nerf makes it so dive heroes can take care of her.

Also she does have her disadvantages. She’s fine.


I don’t think you can undermine storm arrow any more than that either. You cannot deny it is an AMAZING ability that effectively allows him to deal burst damage and easily chunk away the health of shields and tanks.

Also, wallhacks on a 12 second cooldown is amazing.


What, vision arrow is not INSANE MAD TWISTED meta defining utility? You sure, bruh? You just bias and Stan Hanzo, clearly. He just offers so much beyond his burst. I am not going to list it all, but he has it and everyone knows it. Amiright fellas?


The game has changed a lot since then. Just because it’s getting reverted now doesn’t mean she’ll instantly become a bad pick.

The amazing utility thing is the best of the list.

Like, Hanzo has zero utility. At all. Doing damage is not utility.

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I hate to break it to you this thread is one of the reasons why they wont take look on this threads like this or take forum keyboard warriors seriously.

And btw, your statement about how ‘‘hAnZo cAn dO eVerYtHinG iN tHis gAmE’’ is pretty much wrong too. Which is one of the other reasons why forum logic couldnt be taken seriously either.

If anything this thread is just another bait & troll one.


And it doesn’t mean she’ll become an instant win button. She has her disadvantages, use 'em.

Nobody cares about barrier busting next patch. You can solo a barrier timely with a support. Poor Hunkrat is going to be dumpstered because that was all he was good at. Luckily you can avoid his insane close ranged damage unlike Hanzo’s tho.

When Sombra got nerfed for being oppressive because of an interruptible ability that had a cast time, a range, a 6 second cooldown, and actually allowed people to fight back if/and after it landed, yet Widow who has a one-shot hitscan on a 1-ish second cooldown that can be pulled off from any range was left alone… The devs proved their bias.


As I always say, it proves they had a bias against Sombra. Not that they have one FOR Widow. If you look at patches and thr history of the game, you would see that sentiment is wack as hell. They basically just never compromised on the one shot and that is why people are mad.

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I just wish in my elo, Widows were more consistent. Either you get a crappy one or you get a really good one. You get a Widow that can’t hit the broadside of a barn or you get a Widow that demolishes the enemy team and you have a picnic on the payload. Neither are fun.


widow needs less ammo and maybe a slower reload time.


I think it would help if snipers had more flinch. Widow should not be able to snipe while actively taking damage.