Hanzo a must pick now

Seriously, if no one Hanzos and they have a Hanzo, 8/10 times we lose bec we didn’t have a Hanzo. No tank can kill him. He melts shields faster than Junkrat… Nerf Hanzo pls.


Let me put it simply: Hell no.

If you can’t kill him,then that isn’t Hanzo needing a nerf,that’s just your team being bad.


Well that’s a good thing against brig shield that’s what he is built for.



honestly it feels like people aren’t expecting Hanzo to put up a challenge and then they get their butts kicked and come to the forums asking for nerfs


Honestly it’s super funny to kill a full health jumping winston before he can land on you.


Hanzo’s rework was for the most part, good. They just need to revert the projectile speed.


I kill him as Zarya no problem. Of course if my bubbles are down and he has good aim just like I need go aim to kill him, he can also kill me with storm.


you need to counter pick and/or git gud

I would love hate I was good with slower arrows now I’m so bad I can’t play him

It’s been, like, five days.

i really don’t understand why blizzard think its ok to have two different arrow speed. a faster one for basic arrows and an even faster for storm bow, how is anyone with a normal, human brain supposed to adapt ???

I am laughing hard.

Do not stress you special snowflakes. Tracer, genji, Dva, Winston + w/e rotations will remain the normal picks. Hanzo rework changes nothing. He is still an easy target.

The scatter is gone. Community complaining over an F-ter hero, complete.


F tier heroe with an ultimate on cooldown. YE I really don’t understand why anyone would complain about our main mah dude

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Yeah im still trying and I still suck.

No, the projectile speed was his entire problem and what made him unreliable and F-tier. His rework was entirely good.


Having the fastest projectiles in the game that can one-shot a lot of the roster is not a good thing. Projectiles already benefit from being larger than hitscan shots, as well as being able to hit more of the enemy hurtboxes than hitscans. I’d have no problem with storm arrow keeping the increased speed but it seems unnecessary that his regular shots would keep it.

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Hitscan is instant vs projectiles that have travel time you could honestly be dodging his arrows without knowing it

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On the flip side, he could also be hitting me without meaning to.

They aren’t instant so take the good with the bad

I’m currently practicing Hanzo and yes he really is fun - it’s even more fun to kill every Winston who jumps on me :slight_smile:

Better nerf Roadhog