Handicapping Competitive Play With MMR is Wrong

It’s been over two years since you started this “discussion” (in which you ignore every counter-point to your flimsy argument - i.e. it’s not actually a discussion at all) and we agree nothing has changed. Perhaps it’s time to realise the developers are not going to change it, for whatever reason (and especially not because someone who has no idea what they’re talking about keeps making threads about it), and that if you dislike it that much then Overwatch probably isn’t the right game for you.

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So if I may I will say the MMR as a console diamond player coming to PC went from the normal gold ranking they give you, it dropped me to bronze. I climbed my way all the way back to the top of silver almost gold. However I will say since the 2-2-2 system came out, I have had healers and tanks tell me straight up, “I’m DPS” and I have learned to not expect healers or the tanks to give the DPS space.

Do I love the old way, not really, but it has caused a lot of problems with some people’s SSR. Hell if you want watch Unit Lost, a few videos he has done have been players who have been close to GM, but lost it due to the MMR dropping them lower due to bad teams, so like his most recent video, a widow was close to GM pick heads, but down at silver because their team doesn’t do anything.

Is the MMR system flawed? yes and no, sometimes you will be thrown to the wolves if you lose, but if you start proving that you don’t deserve to be at the low end it learns you shouldn’t, again I played so many matches in solo last season that it almost threw me back at my old rank in gold. This was when it threw me in bronze thinking I should be down there.

Just try to play as a team at the start, if you notice, that the players aren’t playing their normal roles then say F it, and try to carry with a character who can heal and tank. Does it suck, absolutely, but until it is change, as someone who has gone from the bottom and clawed his way up. You have to build around your team.

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Yeah the handicapping is more obvious than ever now with Role Queue having killed the game. With less players, the matchmaker really has to stretch to create teams. So, on my losing days i can plainly see that i have a guy who’s normally 700SR, must be a thrower or something, on my team. Followed by the next match with a Monkey who sits around emoting. Followed by a Plat on the other team while i have a Silver.

Can’t hide it any more, Blizz. You try to force even matches, and the ONLY way to do that is to stick the thrower on a winning player’s team. There is no other way to make sure that match is going to be even. That’s why no one ever out heals my duo partner. Yet on brand new accounts, we find out that there actually are good healers out there! They just can’t end up on our team or it wouldn’t be fair.


As I said hell even in Over analyzed there was a widow who said I lost 1,000 sr, I was almost Gm and now I’m silver. He basically spoon fed his team the win and they still lost. My advice just play it through even though it is garbage. Hell even styl told to keep playing widow since they were making so many picks, even when they didn’t belong. This new 2-2-2, is dumb, but overwatch won’t admit it as a mistake.

We can go back and forward forever on this which seems rather redudant and stupid, you are free to believe whatever you want and I couldn’t really care less about it. All I can say if you’re actually interested in finding out whether or not the patent is related to OW just read through the text, hell just the summary and you should if you pay attention to the content in it’s context, phrasing, terminology (e.g. clan members, run-and-gunners) and so on realize it’s not about OW to begin with.

I’m 100% confident the patent is refering to black ops 3 released in 2015 as it would fit the timeline a lot better and in general the text is refering to things that is a lot more relatable with that game rather than overwatch not to mention activision introduced some rather questionable microtransactions in that game (ttps://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-black-ops-3-microtransactions/)

Again, OW was still developed by it’s own team without activison micromanaging decisions on that level of coding, if you had followed the news lately you should know that many of the blizzard workers have quit due to activison now stepping in to do more of those kind of decisions long after OW has been out.

And the whole purpose of that patent is to make people feel they need to win more to level up in order to unlock gear which they then could equip with new skins, in OW all have access to the same characters/abilities from the very start and by simply having a somewhat of a fair matchmaker that you find in any game (cs, dota or whatever) and on top of that not even rewarding XP based on performance as much as the match playtime which then generate lootboxes well… The whole idea about having to pair better with worse people falls flat.

But again, believe what you want… Like even if everything in that patent applied to OW it still wouldn’t hold you back or prevent you from climbing, it would just incentivize matching players with more gear with those who have less within the same skill level or mirror so both teams have the same type of player composition in order to keep a good level of match quality while maximize the chance of the lesser leveled players to go buy loot boxes…

Yeah ok, but you are still missing the “why”. What would be the reason to keep anyone lower? It doesnt make sense. You mentioning some cod patent from activitision is not related to OW. Owerwatch was primarily created by Blizzard, I know both companies are together and some big decision could affect both companies together, true. But Overwatch is pay to win, they dont need to penalize anyone as you can buy only cometics, no ingame power.

Just look at players in your games lol. If you would be able to see the ranks, sometimes you are, you could see how games are pretty much balanced in term of SR/MMR. You can even see the damn number just before you go into match so both teams have almost exactly same average number.

Again, if you have any proof of hancipaning your games, record it and post it here, i am collecting evidence for it.

keep beating the drum, you’re still wrong

there is no handicapping mmr, you get matches as even as possible, that’s what mmr does.

nothing else


Citation needed for where I said it holds you down.

The why: ensuring people always get a win (especially after some awful games) is to keep them playing, as said above.

It gets screwy when the engineered games also ensure other players lose. Getting into the details of how and why this is bad overall is like pulling teeth, so I just leave it at proving it doesn’t just pull people of similar mmr all the time.


Shows a lack of understanding on the quoted part of the patent. They spelled it out - you have bad games it engineers a win. They then listed how.

Why was Blizzard added to this patent again?

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You know what, believe what you want. I feel like its waste of time debating with people like you who will never try to understand how game really works and how to get better. I know, its much more easy to blame evil company, matchmaker or others in your rank, lol. No wonder you people cant climb.

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Well everybody knows they can straight out ignore you - still waiting for you to show me where I said you can’t climb. Anywhere in these posts where I discussed rank even.

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Its pretty obvious, you dont have to say it for me to know. Anyone supporting this ideas of unfair games, forced loss streaks, rigged matchmaker, having bad team mates on purpose is having one common thing. Being stuck in their ranks not able to climb because they are not trying to improve.

Thats why they are talking about all this, if they would not care about their ranks, why would they be talking about this “rigged system” in the first place?

Some atleast are not afraid to show their ranks. Not your case.

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Cool, so you understand I have never said it, climbed silver to diamond, and understand my decades of experience in competitive multiplayer games?

Oh. You didn’t understand. Sorry for your loss.

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Unless you open your profile so it can be seen I will choose to not beieve you.

Seems about right. You are the one fixated on rank. I want better matchmaking quality.

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You would need good player community to have it. Blizzard cant do much about it.

matchmaker is doing good job trying to create balanced games but its kind of hard when so many people decided to use alts and smurfs. Or throw.


You’ve seriously gone from debating whether a patent is part of the matchmaking of Overwatch, to blaming the community for bad matchmaking when you were shut down on your arguments?

Why was Blizzard added to the patent? Because the engineered matches aspect is being used.

If you accept this is part of how matchmaking is running in this game, everything - streaks, unusual games after career highs, bouncing back up with easy wins after career lows - all of it makes sense.

I should say it is one theory though, and there are others - such as how mmr might be overeager to adjust in certain circumstances - but right now it is the most plausible.

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No, you claming some kind of patent is creating unbalanced games or creating streaks in OW is straight up tinfoil hat stuff.

It makes sense only for people like you who want it to be true. For everyone else its nonsense.

So you admit its just a theory then ok. But you speak about it like its a proven fact. You dont have any proof and you will not get any as its nonsense.

There are no arguments. Just stories about unbalanced games, forced loss streak and other things. If anyone was shut down its you as you are afraid to show your own rank and yet you claim that you climbed from silver to diamond. Show it then.

Explain to me this:

If you think that Overwatch is using some kind of patent to engineering the games, creating streak on purpose, all stuff you said, why is it done. Explain to me what is purpose of having some kind of system like that.

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If your issue is that you are bad and cant climb then make a topic asking for help to climb and provide a VoD at least. Dont make a topic telling the MM is garbage.

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It is clearly because of the MTX matchmaking rigger. It doesent matter if you bought lootboxes or not, its just because of it. If you say you didnt then I tell that you got lucky and if you bought then Im gonna tell you that its because of that.

Its kinda funny that you ask for evidence that this doesent exist, meanwhile you claim these things with absolutely no evidence. :man_shrugging: