Hammond is one of the most oppressive heroes

Wrecking Ball… oppressive?

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Case in point Hammond who basically can’t outplay his counters like other heroes can.

If you have even one of those (besides zen) then you are fine. Two of these and the game is effectively a 5v6 in your favor. Seriously, Hammond has so many hard counters it isn’t even funny. See also Reaper, Hanzo, and Torbjorn.


I see Sombra in every match as Wreckiny Ball and I am not joking, the number of people who swap just to counter a Wrecking Ball is huge. Even when people don’t swap, you need to have a massive impact to justify the pick while the enemy team runs 2xsnipers or whatever else and makes your team beg you for Reinhardt.

Just don’t play Zen vs a hyper dive tank, I have been hard shut down by just a good Ana/Lucio or god forbid Ana/Lucio/Brigitte who just sleep and boop the engages.

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This. You usually only need to kill someone once or twice before you have a Mexican hacking you or a chubby Chinese woman running at you. I’ve never seen people switch so fast in the entirety of my time playing this game.

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Mei doesnt work. I tried her against, #1 Hammond on Asian server if Im not wrong.

You try to freeze him, he just rolls away.
I think he was streaming, so you can find my pathetic attemps to catch with Mei on his stream ha

You act like there aren’t tons of them.

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Man, it feels like just yesterday the consensus was that Hammond was trash and was too easily countered.

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if I am playing dps and i see hammond I go sombra and solo him out from midrange. its really sad the ham cant do nothing to me at all unless he got his weird shield thing off

“Only one third of the roster counters them, so if all 6 of you didn’t pick one of these and refuse to push ‘H’ next time you die to swap, you’re screwed”

If we could have every hero with that complaint this game would be incredible.

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Laughs in doomfist , and they say .

Just 1 average sombra is more than enough, and if its a good mei, mccree or hog then also just 1 of them is needed

A good mei uses the wall to cancel out hammond grapple roll as he escapes then punishes him when its on cooldown. Its kinda situational but quite effective and she probably needs back up for the damage

You may have to pick a counter for him, but that’s not a problem because that’s the game. And with so many options, with only 2 being niche(Sombra and Mei), it’s hardly a challenge to form a composition that can stand up to him.

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empathizes in tank main

Anyway, Ana is a good choice; and if you’re team is really hopeless: Brig. If they whine, just ask em why you don’t have a Mei, Hog, whatever.

It’s not even about him being overpowered, because you could totally kill him. He is just so obnoxious to play against because he is extremely mobile and can crank out good damage. But i find him easier to evade vs winston when i play widow. The thing is that you have to focus all of your attention on him to get rid of him, and thats what I don’t like. Pretend you’re playing soldier, you usually tag a few people and lower the whole group, or maybe quickly fire on one person and get them and move on. But Hammond is a whole fiasco, you have to not only run away but also chip away at his enormous amount of health + the shield he can generate. I really dislike how he has high mobility, moderate damage output, and high health. At least hog, who also has a ton of health and moderate damage, is slower and can’t get to higher places unlike hammond.

The fact that he has soo many counters is enough for me to know that he’s balanced.

Also , You forgot that burst damage gets rid of him too.
So , Add to your list - Zarya , Reaper , Even Doomfist (When he lands one of his abilities he can stop your movement and do quite a lot of damage)

and this is why I duo with a hitscan who’s willing to Sombra

Hammond LITERALLY only requires one switch to Sombra to completely shut him out of the entire game. No other hero in this game is so heavily countered by a single other hero as Hammond is to Sombra. Git gud.

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I just wish his boop ball hitbox was not significantly larger than the actual ball. On some maps he can cover pretty much the whole contestable area by just perma-rotating around the center, dealing damage on every rotation and making contesting pretty much impossible until he’s dealt with. Which is deadly on maps like Ilios Lighthouse where the only available cover near the point against snipers is inside the point itself.

I think just swinging back and forth or doing the merry-go-round for ages should not be rewarded that heavily. Just cut down the hitbox to his actual size, problem solved. As an added benefit, this would allow Rein to consistently take swings at him before being booped, because the timing for that right now is quite tight and very unintuitive due to the oversized hitbox that his you long before it visibly should.

Is it worth it tho? There aren’t many Sombra mains in the game. I can’t switch to her myself because i’m usually on a main tank. Odds are, if anyone decides to switch to a Sombra, it’s just going to be a flex, not a main.

So the question becomes, “Which is worse? A Hammond on the enemy team? Or a Sombra on your team?”

Switching to Sombra to counter the Hammond could very well cost you the game completely.