Hammond is one of the most oppressive heroes

Hammond is incredibly strong and nearly impossible to kill unless you run dedicated Hammond counters.

Like if you’re not running at least two of these heroes:


You just kinda have to sit there and watch you team die repeatedly over and over again because no one’s actively trying to counter Hammond and a good Hammond pretty much won’t die unless he’s being countered.

An uncontested Hammond is possibly even worse than an uncontested Pharah because at least with Pharah you can poke her down since she’s a squishy.

EDIT: I play Support so I’m kinda at the mercy of my teammates to be intelligent and make most of those swaps. So if they don’t I have to suffer the entire game (and it’s usually a long game because no one can kill the Hammond stall)


Never in my life would I think to see a thread complaining about Hammond. Seriously? Complaining about switching?


I can’t control what heroes my team picks. And Hammond requires 2+ specific counters to be dealt with properly

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Then that’s not a Hammond problem, that’s a team problem.


Usually just Sombra is enough to make his day hell.


Switch to sombra or mei. Problem solved. If you junkrat on the team has any game sense he will get multiple trap assist vs the hamster. McCree is pretty good vs hampster too as well as rod hog to keep him at bay.

That’s 5 choices can you switch to any one of those heros? Of so you are ok.


Junkrat is a great counter, just throw a trap down near you and they are bound to roll into it. But hammond is nowhere near as oppressive as other characters in the game

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She’s also one of the least picked heroes in the game with the lowest winrate so…

Doesn’t mean it’s not possible to have a good Sombra though?


I play Support so I’m kinda at the mercy of my teammates to be intelligent and make those swaps. So if they don’t I have to suffer the entire game (and it’s usually a long game because no one can kill the Hammond stall)

Hammond is basically pre-nerf Doomfist, with longer wind-up speeds but higher top speeds.

Mei as well, or a Roadhog who’s consistent with his Hook.

Even Junkrat can be a nuisance to Hammy if he’s smart with his traps. At this point, I’ve gotten killed because of those things more times as Wrecking Ball than every other hero combined.

Piledriver’s hitbox is absolutely bonkers.
But other than that, can’t really say that he’s oppressive. Aside from his matchup against Zen maybe.

well yeah, being people pick Sombra and then roam around doing nothing for 1/2 the game. Yet if you have WBall problem just go Sombra and wait near the OBJ. Ball dives in, hack and kill repeat…

they will switch off and then you can switch off Sombra being in the mindgames of Overwatch you have already shown you are willing to hard focus them with a decent counter. It’s 100% fine to just wait around doing nothing and then kill the other team’s tank, making every fight after a 5vs6.

No point to roam to look for a pick, if one just comes to you on a platter.

You could say this about almost any hero without counters being run. Don’t blame it on Hammond.

Fighting a Rein without your own shield? You’re gonna get shattered
Fighting Winston without counters? He’s gonna shred your squishies
Fighting Widow without counters? Bye bye heads

See where this is going?


as a professional and certified baller

i approve this message

Not to mention, some Heroes have real hard counters making them virtually unplayable.

Nah, only need 1 of them to keep killing his momentum and rest of your team should slam him.

Go Brig.

Wrecking Ball requires follow up from is team, so 99% of the time he is harmless. Any kind of CC and he is a non threat.

Part of Hammond’s design is that he’s a tanky dive hero which means that he’s naturally very good against squishy flankers and non-burst damage just like Winston. McCree, Sombra, Mei and Bastion aren’t the only DPS that are good against him. Doomfist, Hanzo, Junkrat, Reaper, Soldier and Torbjörn are also very good against him. The problem is that more than often heroes like Doomfist and Reaper are trying to go for an ambush angle rather than a diving Hammond and heroes like Soldier or Ashe don’t have CC against him and need other form of DPS to get the ball actually killed.

He’s naturally good against snipers, flankers and heroes without CC which just happen to be tanks or otherwise popular heroes at high tier gameplay because they’re better than those heroes who are good against a Hammond so they just don’t see play. For example Reaper, Bastion, Junkrat, Mei, Brigitte and Torbjörn are in the bottom of the list and even Sombra is on the middle part of the list.

The issue isn’t that he’s strong even though he’s strong against the most popular high tier heroes. The issue is that heroes who are naturally good against him are weak especially with Widow running rampant

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