Hammond is a Main Tank

I’ve seen a ton of posts about this and I just want to clear this up.
Hammond IS in fact a Main Tank. Go to OWL, or last years OWWC 1st group stage, yep TONS of off tank hammond being played, right?
I’ve seen people saying “A main tank NEEDS a shield” or that they “need to protect the team” Which is a thought straight from the depths of Bronze.
There is a reason he was played along D.Va and Zarya (Off tanks) and why he fills the Main tank spot in HOATS.

There is a reason the MAIN TANK player plays him.

He creates space and creates engages, which is literally the only job of a Main tank. Not “Protecting your team with a shield”. As long as they can engage and create space, they are a main tank (And guess who has the best engage ability in the game called Piledrive?) He has 0 abilities that help the Main tank is doing there job and when he duos with a main tank, it is garbage.

He is also the best solo tank in the game (A main tank quality held by all except Rein), for those who dont know.


I *swing him both ways, main or off tank. I still think hes better with a shield teammate. a shield is just great for team in most situation.


Widow creates lot of space. She is main tank :kissing: :kissing: :kissing:


If your team is brain dead, then yeah sure

i guess theres no arguing with that


Widow can’t really make space though. She can control space that is given to her, but she has no way of taking the space away from an enemy Reinhardt, Orisa or Winston.

Hammond does.

That’s why your argument doesn’t work.


Hammond isn’t a main tank, if they can’t/won’t coordinate with their team.

Just a fat flanker.


Huge engage potential tho



He’s durable, annoying, and incredibly disruptive… in the right hands. His skill floor is higher than the other two main tanks in a lot of ways, so he can feed just as hard in the wrong hands.


He creates as much space as Lucio. Main tanks make and can keep space. The Hamster can make it, but can’t hold it. He’s half main, half off. Buy now.


No. Main tanks create it, while the Off tanks maintain the space.

Tell me one main tank that can’t maintain space.

Winston doesnt maintain it. He relies on D.Va to boop enemies back. Rein doesnt maintain the space, Zarya has to keep enemies back. Even Orisa doesnt maintain space, she relies on hog hook. All of the space can be easily invaded with out an off tank.

Lucio is the greatest off-tank in OW history. I wonder why people don’t use the phrase dodge tank around here?

Rein’s is amazing at maintaining ground. That’s what he was designed to do. Winston does have trouble keeping it for to long, but has an ult, a shield that can far better then a ball with no way to deal with any kind of CC.

Which is why you run him with a D.Va or Zarya to use their abilities on him???

Why not run Winston at that point?

Actually, Hammond is superior to Winston because he has more burst damage, area denial and flexibility in his mobility. This is pretty basic. Winston also has no way of dealing with CC. Off tank abilities would be used in the same manner.

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Only in certain comps, just like Winston.

If you have a bunch of immobile heroes on your team, his job is tougher due to his team being more vulnerable than if they had a barrier. It doesn’t matter if you displace a few enemies if your team is constantly getting sniped or melted and one Mei or Sombra can stop any chances of you countering the sniper and/or doing your job.

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Then your team is braindead for getting melted/not synergizing with you. Any executed Dive should be able to fix this

Yeah, but if they have Mei or Sombra, then why tf are you Ball.

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