Hammond got nerfed

Tbh this isn’t too much of an issue, but I didn’t think he really needed it. No compensation either…

Idk, i’m torn on it.


Wasn’t needed at all.
That and the Brig nerfs are really weird.


I don’t play Hammond, so i’m confused, how is this a nerf?

This reads as if the amount of time he spends without being able to control himself in the air was halved.

That sounds…like a good thing?

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Pretty sure it means the people he slam’s air control, not his own


It occurs when you slam and the people are in the air

That amount of time they’re in the air is reduced, making it more difficult for Hammond to get picks

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CC reduction, good.


At least they didn’t nerf his mobilty…


I’m okay with less CC, but he should at least get some compensation


They change this? That seems stupid. My problem with it, is that the move would act like a vacuum. Instead of knocking people away.

Hammond was sleeper op

yes, he needed it.


I suppose it could be both. That particular patch note could probably have been a bit better worded.

“just focus him”
Yeah, me and the rest of my team try to kill him
+700 shields.

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Honestly this nerf reads to me more as an olive branch to people who say that they want far less CC in the game so they lowered the duration of the CC in the game.

It’s such a small thing for his power level though.

What could be a compensation? -2% ult charge cost? 0.5m fall off range?

It’s really just about making CC less annoying…

I personally dont think so

I blame the recent nerfs of almost all tanks, leaving him untouched

Oh I’ll take that branch and grow into it into a beautiful big tree.

I like it. Anything that reduces cc in game is cool by me. A full second without control is simply frustrating, even more so when you know it’s coming every 10 seconds. Next up let’s get rid of his ability to permanently spin around objectives.

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If Mei is getting nerfed next patch, he needs it

He’s also pretty broken in GM

For Hammy, he doesn’t need a lot.

But, that CC allowed him to secure kills. Now that is significantly diminished.

Maybe shave second off grapple? One on pile? Maybe 10 more in the mag? Obviously not all at once.

Something very minor


It doesn’t reduce the amount of time they’re in the air; it reduces the amount of time they lose movement control while in the air. It’s the same change that Doomfist received a year(?) ago to make his uppercut much less of a guaranteed kill.

As much as I enjoy Ball, it’s a solid change that does little to affect his balance but should significantly improve the feel of playing against him. I’m loving the general theme of increasing player input / reducing lockdown in the last several patches.