Halloween Terror: From the desk of the Lord of Adlersbrunn

Excited excited about this one

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Halloween Terror was a time where players opened the game and found excitement in seeing all the new in game items. Now people just don’t give a F about the event or the items. Great job Blizzard on destroying a great game and turning it into an iPhone game.


Very interested to see what the new event is like for a glimpse of upcoming PvE


I feel excited with the OW2 PvE based new mode. you can get a sneak peek of how the PvE will look and feel when it comes next year. But then again, this is Overwatch forum. there’s always a few negative nancies complaining about skin prices:

We will get 1 free Reaper skin and 1 weapon charm. Just enjoy the “long awaited” new content ok? New skin doesn’t give you gameplay advantage.

And then this “special” one who always complaining that Mercy didn’t get enough skin (while also complains that Mercy’s 2 new skins, Royal Knight and Miko didn’t look good enough to their “standards”) :man_facepalming:


So they took 3+ years to release OW2 WITHOUT PvE mode, do you seriously think it will come out next year? They have nothing done, or are in early alpha. If they push it out without completing it, it will be horrible.


OW2 is also the “sequel” to OW1.

so … ayuh. Not super sold on them saying a sequel is different.

I would LOVE it to be an awesome display of their new PVE capability… but I have been burned… a lot.


Point is it’s a new mode. It’s not a duplicate event.

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I can see what they said.

Lets see what it is before I get all antsy.


Of course. There’s obviously still a chance that it will be terrible.

I’m just informing people that it’s not a duplicate event like it’s pretty much always been. And hopefully reminding them that gameplay content is more important than cosmetics.


I have just enough faith left that they didn’t rebrand the actual junkenstein event and call it new… but not enough to believe they won’t try and put say… “Uprising” out on a different map with zomnic bots and call it “new”.

… lets not in this one. :wink:


At least in this they can get away with nonsense writing, compared to lore related pve. You can get as many as you want randomly placed in perfect spot trucks filled with explosives, and make easy to predict locked stages for a fighting off waves in this one.

I guess part of the reason for this mindset is how some people were calling skins content in OW1, in times of no real content around.

I’d buy some skins if they were $5. A few actually. But at $20, I’ll be spending my money with people that actually value my patronage.


Yea it is pointless to care. Anyone who is in it for the experience is probably mindless or just lacks general compassion which wouldn’t surprise me anymore.

I already know what will happen, the content is meaningless without being rewarded in some form. Just “spending time” and playing for the “experience” of anything new, will never be enough. So with this in mind(and sorry but it’s just undeniable and not up for debate), these are the likely scenarios: Every skin will cost $20. 5 of them could cost $20 each and an additional 3 will cost $10-15 each(still absurd by the way!), or they will have 2 rounds of skins for double the amount that we’d have ever received during OW1 cause you know maximum greed factor(also scummy tactics here but this 1 is unlikely). Other scenarios could include maybe getting some skins for free if you win something like over 100 games(but of course, Junkensteins won’t count, that’d be far too simple and therefore rewarding).

And the highest likelihood is that every skin is FOMO based and won’t return next year so if you don’t buy next week then you don’t ever get to own those skins, ever, period.

No point in being excited. New content is 1000% meaningless when all the “rewards” have the ugliest price tags imaginable. It literally makes the entire “experience” pointless. Again this is not up for debate, don’t really care if some people don’t care about skins. Advocate for better prices, show some level of humanity or compassion at the least and then we can talk.


There was playable PVE content at Blizzcon 2019. It’s not in Alpha. Chances are, the PVE content is what they’ve been mostly focusing on these past 3 years.


Ah… Because having an advantage over someone else is the only fun thing in the game.
It’s not like skins were the things that drew in lots of players and kept them playing for years without actual content…
It’s almost like… skins are important content themselves.

Totally unrelated and just bashing another user off-topic. You must be a nice person…

As a token of apology. Not as part of the event.
Invalid argument.

If you think they are reasonable and reflect any effort whatsoever…


Yeah, it’s almost like both are terrible. At least free loot boxes was rewarding. Now you get next to nothing in terms of cosmetics without fronting multiple tens of dollars.


The idea that cosmetic items are more important than gameplay content in a video game is definitely up for debate :smile:

Finally something brand-new on Overwatch !

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That’s exactly the problem with current gaming (as in gaming industry) :sweat_smile:…


It depends.

Would you take 2000 skins or 1 variation of CTF?

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