Halloween D.va please!

I say it every year. I want a witch d.va with a little witch hat on and her mech to be a giant jack o latern with the legs being vines. I would play a 100 bucks + 10000 credits + my first born child + my soul to have this as a skin. It would be so cute and aesthetically pleasing to see. Possibly the greatest skin ever.

Ik she just got one, but I have asked for this every year for 3 years now lol


I personally think a cool one would be a mummy Queen D.va with the mech looking like a sarcophagus

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Back to back skins shouldn’t disqualify her from getting one. She is still way behind for event legendary skins from other hero and others like Tracer and Mei received back to back legendary skins.

I think your skin idea is great. I like it. Personally, I’m hoping she gets any kind of legendary this Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday.

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Thank you. I really hope she does too. Then I can die happy