Hack's cooldown is a joke

As a Sombra main I think they need to increase her damage and if you get a successful hack your cooldown should instantly reset.

Hack should last for 4 seconds and be on a 6 second cooldown with no 2 second interruption cooldown

Hack should also implant a virus that deals 75 damage at 15dps


Should lead to a one-shot on any 200 health hero.

Leads to a one-shot on any -300 health hero

Is basically an inverse one-shot

Since when does Sombra’s hack one-shot, or even have one-shot potential for the hero using it?

A couple of tips:

  • don’t be oblivious
  • don’t rely on your abilities to do anything
  • learn to aim at least a bit
  • don’t one-trick Lucio

Done these? Great! You’ve dealt with Sombra!


If none of the other 5 people on the team could shoot a Sombra right in front of them? Yes, they were incredibly bad

Imagine if Roadhog’s hook was interupted by one damage at any point during the cast.

Sombra’s Hack doesn’t even kill anyone.

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Gotta love how there is always one “Sombra is OP” thread right next to a “Sombra is Trash Tier”, at the top of the forums, every single day.

Let me guess; Hack, EMP, then Hack again. First Hack is guaranteed, as it tends to be coming out of stealth. Second, EMP, is hard to stop because of it’s short cast time. Third Hack means that the enemy team continued to ignore Sombra, after she had her positon revealed twice with the initial Hack and then EMP.

On top of that, the fact that Reinhardt was alive for at least 12 seconds despite being Hacked, shows how weak Sombra is. If Reinhardt remains alive to be Hacked three times, that means Sombra and her team can’t followup on the kill.

No, just 3 regular hacks. It’s in this video

It is actually a pretty funny video and worth watching fully lol. The one part is at 12:44.

That’s even worse; the fact that Sombra was allowed to get three standard Hacks off is entirely the fault of the enemy team; she’s out in the open for 20 seconds Hacking Reinhardt, and no one thought to run her down.

It’s also proof that Sombra needs help, if it takes 3 Hacks and a target still doesn’t die.

Shoot her as Rein i want to see you do that.

Homeboy got rekt by one of the handful of good sombra’s now he thinks sombra is op. Move along, nothing more to see here.

Shoot her, interrupt her hack, let her teleport back to safety and waste more time away from the battle. Sombra using her translocator is pretty much a disadvantage when time is running out, leaving her team with a 5 v 6.

Edit: Seems like I’m not the only one with this thought.

As a Sombra main also,


Reinhardt survives getting hacked 2 times with little to no damage. But hack is a death sentence… reeeeeeeeeeee

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I like Sombra but I would agree, the c/d on interruption should be much, much greater.

And the “just shoot her” responses are the old “git gud” way of just sweeping issues under the rug…

she was f tier when it was 12 seconds bud

Not Rein; the entire enemy team can shoot her. And they didn’t, despite Sombra not being invisible

She still is

Sombra is just another one of those many badly designed characters in OW. Her entire kit revolves around Hack for the most part. That means it has to be strong enough to justify the weakness the rest of her kit provides. Just like Bastion and his Sentry mode or Widow with her scoped shots it makes balancing the hero insane.

Yes hack is oppressive with little counter play other than a Zarya bubble. Emp is even worse as it destroys all deployed/active barriers and most channeled abilities. The thing is other than Hack sombra really doesn’t have much. Her dmg, her invis, even the trans locator aren’t that great, at least not in an objective heavy game like OW where scouting and flanking often waste more time than it’s worth.

Another problem imo are the Health Pack hacks. Yes they no longer give ult Charge but they are still fairly oppressive. The hacked packs come back insanely quickly on any map where they are useful. Worse yet nothing you do can revert/convert them early. Killing the Sombra does nothing, a friendly sombra can’t counter hack a hacked pack or anything of the sort. Oh and they remain hacked for a fairly long time, enough so a Good sombra can probably hack every HP near the objective and still manage to hack a few enemies.