Hack should disable inspire

What implications does that have? I usually think of hitting enemies as “proccing the aura”, not a healing over time.

(And on topic, Lucio’s ability is wallride; cross fade is an ability without a cooldown that starts the match aftivated. You can’t turn it off either)

The most important implication is that if Brigitte triggers the aura on you, you can LoS her (through barriers and whatnot) without the healing being cancelled. Likewise, if you walk back into Brigs range directly AFTER she triggers Inspire, you will not get healed until she triggers it again.

Inspire also persists after Brigitte’s death, unlike an Aura as well.

Edit: Also if a Purge mechanic ever gets introduced (dispel buffs on an enemy), it should be able to dispel Inspire, but not Lucio’s Aura.


I’m personally of the opinion that certain mechanics overall should work consistently - sombra’s hack (passives disabled), (quick) melee cc abilities such as bash and rocket punch not going through shields, etc. (Reason I say quick is because Rein charge is technically a melee cc ability… imo it is fine with the speed/non cancelling). I would just like some mechanical consistency overall. Buffs/nerfs could be applied when applying consistency.
–Not really trying to argue balance in one way or another, but just saying I would like underlying MECHANICS to not be so inconsistent. Some characters would need more buffs than others if mechanics were consistent, for sure.

There is a consistent logic to it, but Lucio songs is on the knifes edge of the logic.

Crossfade turns one off, and the other on. Since Lucio has control over Crossfade with his button press, and that button is not his primary weapon, it is disabled.

It’s not pretend. The passives of the weapons aren’t disabled. Moira’s self-heal, the additonal speedboost of Dragonblade, Inspire…none of those are disabled.

Plenty upon plenty of people complain

Because it would be incosistent, Lucio and his healing is disabled because it falls more in line with the other passives that get disabled, Brigitte’s Inspire isnt because it falls more in line with the passives that arent

Lucio’s auras are a part of his crossfade ability, not a passive. Inspire is a passive and not one that should be disabled by hack.

Sadly, what ult can and can’t be disabled by a hack must be learned manually, no amount of logic can explain it. You can hack a literal scrap gun, but not a high-tech tactical visor. You can hack glowing cowboys, but not a cyborg-ninja. You can’t hack a robo-tank.

Same applies to passives. Blizzard just tries to pretend they have a plan, but in reality they only have heavy bias and marketing team orders.

Brig needs another nerf then?

What im seeing, as if the first 100 didn’t kill her.


It’s because Hack doesn’t work like a real hack would. It works like a Silence in a RPG.

That means:

It cancels channeled abilities (Whole Hog, Deadeye, Barrage, Ressurect).
It prevents abilities from being used, including abilities that are bound to non traditional keybinds like Wall Ride, Wall Climb, Double Jump and Exo Boots or w.e their name is.

What it DOESN’T do is:

Dispel buffs like Inspire, NanoBoost or Tactical Visor.
Prevent automatically activated passives from being activated (Lifesteal on Reaper, Junkrat’s Total Mayhem Passive, Brigitte’s Inspire).

Hack is consistent within the mechanics of the game.

What about Bastion’s tank mode? It disables turret mode, but doesn’t dispel tank mode.

How tactical visor is any different from Roadhog’s ult? It has the same time limit mechanic and works all the time within it after being activated.

I don’t see any consistency here. Nor I see it in a game as a whole.

Tactical Visor, Dragonblade, Primal Rage, Config:Tank, Valkyrie and so on are considered “buff” ultimates, in that they apply a buff to the character (Auto-Aim, changed weapons, beam chaining, etc) but aren’t considered a channeled ability because you can still perform other actions during them.

Soldier can still Sprint and Rocket, he just has a buff applied to him that gives him auto-aim. Likewise, Genji can still dash, deflect, double jump, etc, his weapon has just changed from shruikans to his sword.

HOWEVER, Whole Hog, Barrage, Deadeye, etc, are considered channeled abilities. They are considered an active ability that can be actively canceled by any form of hard CC.

Both use the same UI for time limits simply because consistency? IDK. But the general rule of thumb applies, if Flashbang can interrupt it, so can Hack.

Transcendence is the sole exception to channeled ultimates in that it cannot be interrupted by any means (except by booping Zen off a cliff), but that’s purely because he’s immune to any hard-CC or damage while Transcendence is active.

Dude…hack disables McCree’s ability to do a somersault. A SOMERSAULT.

There are no rules.

His roll is an ability.

It’s not physical rules in the real world, it’s the game’s rules.

If you can control it with a button press, and it isn’t your weapon or a transformation ultimate, it’s hackable.

Transformation ultimates isn’t even a hack exception. They aren’t interrupted by stuns either. It’s just a property of that ult type.

The Lucios who are hacked complain. You lose everything but your primary fire. Lucio heavily relies on wall ride and his aura to get kills.

It’s a really popular topic because it really doesn’t make sense. I’m not gonna spam the crap out of forum posts over it, but even after reading all of the explanations it still doesn’t make sense.

Did you look at the flow chart I made? It might help.

I did and it still doesn’t make sense, sorry. I don’t hit a button to enable auras, I hit a button to swap auras. When I spawn I don’t hit a button to turn my aura on, I just have it all game regardless if I hit a button for it or not. Old hack canceled his ability to swap auras and that made sense. I’m fine with it disabling wall ride.

You control your auras with the press of a button. That’s what makes them button activated passives.

If you had only 1 aura with no control over it, it wouldn’t be taken.