GUIDE: How to instantly rank up from bronze 5 to diamond 1

and i appreciate being included

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You can do that for anything no matter what is hooked to the pc.

Something is strange with this game’s sound. Sometimes I do hear a sound (footsteps or anything) but I have no idea whatsoever where it comes from positionally. I just know it’s kind of close.

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Having good sense of awareness is a big part of fps games and ranking up. Many people have climbed to the higher ranks of Overwatch having fairly poor mechanical skill but great awareness.

Still enough to understand that reaper is flanking.

ME. In 2016 I’ve reached 3800 just by understanding the game. All my stats were garbage, I was just good at cooldown trading with Ana. Though I know it won’t work now, probably diamond max.

I’ve used headphones-only for, like, 15 years now.

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I can confirm, she did not say “nerf this”. It just exploded

Bro, it didnt even play the dubstep noises before it exploded, SMH.

Fixed that for you, you’re welcome!

I got a 100€ sound card and 150€ headphones and i guarantee you audio is broken as hell. Yesterday i was hearing my teammates footsteps 10m away like they are next to me.


Directional sound, dude.

It will increase your awareness by a huge factor when you know where the enemy is because you can hear where they are before you see them.

For people who are having a hard time, download an equalizer like Equalizer APO. Boost the decible level of all sounds between 200hz and 2000hz. That’s where footsteps tend to fall in.

I really should add to that post that i did played with headphones few times before…
I dont hear in my headphones that someone is behind me, i hear left or right, i dont think you can get that only on headphones. Maybe you people have some more fancy stuff idk.

It definitely helps, but it’s not really necessary in a game like overwatch. In a game like csgo, it’s pretty much a necessity, if you want to play well.

But, in OW2, I’d prefer to just listen to music and enjoy the game. And, it really doesn’t hurt, as long as you have basic awareness.

I typically wear headphones with no distractions, and sometimes I still have no idea that I’m being shot in the back while I engage with someone else. I see it in the kill cam afterwards but I didn’t hear a thing during the fight. I bet if I analyze the replay there would be a damage indicator in there, but it’s not so easy to catch it.

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Firstly is a word and was correctly used.

According to the Merriam & Webster dictionary when using the words to describe a list of things, which is what the poster did, you would use Firstly over first and Secondly over Second and so on.

Abraham Lincoln - Quote - Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


You do not, but not everyone’s hardware is the same, and blizzards sound system has a lot of bugs.

On the up side I have never heard kirikos rap because that also doesn’t play.

I hear it is annoying, but I’ve never heard it myself. Why? Because blizzards audio stack is full of bugs.

But I find it wild that you have the attitude "because it works on my machine, it therefore has to work on every other computer, which has different hardware, different drivers, different OSs, with different bios.

Nope any idea that something may actually be different is just straight up dismissed.

“It works perfectly on my machine” is LITERALLY a meme for a reason.

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Playing without game_sound gets me into easier lobbies.
I don’t want hard lobbies. Do you want hard lobbies?

And UnKoWiNgLy backing up into someone so they frag me is really good for your placements. Easy way to change gears and come join us in the basement.

Why would anyone ever want to rank up from bronze5? It’s the best rank, because it’s literally the same rank as all of them in a bugged+rigged system that matches by hidden MMR.

This person logged out, then back on and had the issue fixed. That’s not a headphone issue.


Yea, I complain about this a lot, especially with Sombra hack in OW2. Fortunately you can still hear her uncloaking at the very least.

Audio is so important to me as a support as it helps me identify enemy locations so I can reposition myself so they can’t target me unless I poke to shoot at them while having LoS to my team and the main battlefield. I almost never die to a Sombra for this reason alone, and this was even prior to Sombra’s nerf when she was OP in comp games too.

Can’t say I’m using bad earbuds or headphones where the audio frequency is muted because I use JBL, Sennheiser, Bose, and Soundcore earbuds and headphones. I’ve only ever used my stereo speaker to play OW is for PvE events only, and they are the Edifier R1280Ts Powered Bookshelf Speakers.

I’m a noob at EQ, but I have family members who are hardcore audiophile who would be happy to help me set the eq, treble, bass, etc. for my gears.


It would also help if the visual queue for damage would give you a direction as well. The hud in This game can be really messy at times and doesnt give the information in a useful way.