GUIDE: How to instantly rank up from bronze 5 to diamond 1

Buy headphones and listen your enemies steps (FOR ONE TIME IN YOUR LIFE FFS)!!!

IMPOSSIBLY annoying when enemy 3 PLAYERS are freaking bullying me as a support from my a… back and ALL 4 people of my team are just wondering around the objective having NO IDEA what’s happening in their backline and “WAITING for the enemy to arrive.” Or when the reaper is teleporting on top, and there’s no fight or anything, and he teleports with a voice line so obviously, and ALL 4 PLAYERS DO NOT REACT AT ALL (cuz they don’t know about it).

Seriously, just please don’t allow QUEUING people for ranked if the system doesn’t recognize a headphone connected to the computer, at least not for gold+. I don’t care how you do that. I get so tilted when a reaper is SLOOOOOOOOOWLY walking behind for Q and I keep SPAMMING THE ENEMY ENEMY ENEMY and then DIEA DOEA DEA DIE and it’s the healer’s fault for losing.

P.S the amount of people playing the competitive without headphones and even without sounds in the replies is just shocking me. I CAN’T believe I am being teamed with you. Please move to minecraft you all.

P.S.S just today gameleap had a guide for all ranks, and for bronze they said “you should wear headphones” hahahahah


Wouldnt help, audio in this game is super janky. So many voicelines, emotes, quips, and beep boop noises now. You can drown out the sound of them most obvious ults just by being near the pack of enemies at the front.



Enemy footsteps have enhanced sounds. If you just try, you will almost never be flanked so easily, at least for low ranks.


Well here is the thing, i play tank and frontline dps so someone is always flanking me.

So you never played with headphones?

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Do people really hear games better in headphones? I only use those when playing in group and want to talk to others.

Oh i do, but why would i swivel around just to get instantly killed by 3 targets in front who are attacking me, when the two targets behind me are sombra or genji and so fast that i will likely just waste time chasing them or lose ground and you still die anyway. So either dps backliners need to carry some of the load, or supports need an added layer of survivability.

The game literally has enhanced sound for enemy footsteps and enemy ultimates. And enemy ultimates have louder voice and always have the “main” yell like “I’VE GOT YOU IN MY SIGHTS.”
There’s just no way to rank up without knowing these details.


Yes, you can hear it without headphones tho, if the sound q dont break as usually.

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This 100% game audio is terribly unreliable and breaks at the worst time.

I had a ult wipe my entire team just because audio didnt play and it was literally right above us.


It’s not FIRSTLY, it’s first (grammar na zi).

It’s not secondly, it’s second.

Before telling someone why don’t you learn it by yourself?

My dearest “genius” bright person. The system in the settings CAN SEE ALL THE SOUND DEVICES.

I can’t believe how many people are absolutely clueless about these OMFG. And you are playing with me in the same ranks probably having 0 idea, but still taking like you know stuff, JESUS CHRIST.

It’s not a 100% help and it’s not always that you need to turn back when you hear them. It’s just when the enemy ENTIRE team is behind and all 4 my teammates are unaware of it, it’s just impossibly bad. Ask from Ninetales, he’s one of them.

There’s just no way to argue against headphones advantage. Hearing enemy footsteps is impossibly underrated.

This one I agree. But still, in my goldish ranks the reaper walks from behind not even trying to crawl, and I keep pinging cuz I heard him, and zen can Q and nobody will die cuz it’s so easy to predict, but it’s being totally ignored and they all get totally wiped (cuz I went away already).


You can hear them in your speakers too tho. Its just that people ignore it or they dont play since overwatch had sound problems since forever.

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You can’t hear the precise direction. You can try headphones and then we talk, pls.

And not just that, you can hear where’s mcree’s ult coming from, for example. And many many other super useful things that give competitive advantage.


I did said i played on headphones in my first post here… still left or right, i can hear that in speakers too. Just that is way better for my ears to not use headphones

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I havent had that happen to me, but I have done it to other teams, flank rein is great and these new maps are very flank friendly.

I find the audio cuts off or breaks when lots of ults are going off at once, so usually its “just-” or “ner-” for justice rains from above and nerf this. Its a problem the devs havent even mentioned trying to fix as far as i know? I play this game without headphones fairly often and its rare that using headphones would have saved me, many times if you hear a flanking hog or genji or sombra its already to late, they are basically on top of you. Not to mention most teams arent coordinated enough to even pull off a full 5 flank.

It just is what it is at this point and requiring headphones would only alienate poorer members of the community like the whole phone security thing did.

Right here is the part Robert isn’t getting. OW sound is Janky as hell.

You sure as hell can’t hear the precise direction IF THE SOUND NEVER PLAYS.

Overwatch’s sound system is a mess.


This is funny. When I read the post I thought, there is no way people do not actually play with headphones…then I read the comments. Oh god.


It is bad for ears, that’s right. But I played both on speakers and headphones and the difference is gigantic.

As a former 3800 support, I am telling you honestly, there’s no way you will counter a master’s or diamond games where someone doesn’t have earphones. It’s just unimaginable.

It’s just right now the game has so many new players who somehow all believe that they are already experts in everything.

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Well i dont play competitive in overwatch because its an awful slog that ive never seen any post about people enjoying it. Plus this game just isnt very rewarding so im not worried about the accolades. No i dont use headphones all the time in overwatch, it just isnt necessary at my elo, and dying in this game isnt very punishing.

Now if im playing valorant or r6 seige, yeah I will always wear headphones, sound reg is so much better in those games and the consequences of not using headphones in them is much more dire.