Guangzhou Charge vs. Philadelphia Fusion - FINAL

I’m desperately hoping someone figures out a good answer to the Orisa/Hog/Widow/Hanzo comp that’s actually viable in ladder games because it’s not fun to play, play against or watch and it doesn’t seem like we can expect a nerf to any of them (aside from the very minor ones on PTR for Orisa and Hanzo which ends up evening out overall anyway I think) anytime soon.

Any meta where you’re forced to mirror is pretty boring but Orisa and Widow are especially boring for me anyway.

MOAR MEI :snowflake:

Looking forward to Mei mains not being able to pretend she’s low tier anymore at least.

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not sure what youre basing this on…we’ve had 2 games so far…

The future, my friend. The future.
Look at the MVP candidates. They are pretty much all there because they played a certain comp better than everyone in the first 3 stages.

Everyone, I have started a thread in the Bug Report forum for specifically reporting the issues with the “Error Claiming Prize” on the League Picks Beta platform:

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After Map 2


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueESPN3

Nice to see a team still using Zarya.

wtf was that screen we just saw?

I don’t know y’all. Like I’m cool with role q, but I ain’t digging this double sniper either. I’m sticking with it and hoping it’s an adjustment period.

So much better with role lock it’s not even comparable

Double sniper was an issue before 222. Similar with Orisa taking over.

Widow aside I think the DPS and support are petty competitive with each other. Tanks are poorly balanced because Orisa is badly designed.

maybe if fusion take this to a map 5 the charge will sub in fragi…

Yeah your probably right. I don’t know. Cool seeing pirate ship I suppose.

Maybe they picked up Fragi in case they end up nerfing Orisa and need a Rein

Hope the Charge take this one. Mainly because I want to see that Dragons and Titans match already.

i wanna watch that one but im getting tired… :pensive:

Me too, if it’s double sniper in the next one I’ll probably call it. Just want to see the beginning.

i call one of my cats “charles entertainment cheese” sometimes

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Guess Wyoming fell asleep too lol.