GTX 1050 TI With 144hz monitor

I play on LOW everything so looks dont matter and the only other games i play are FPS’.

I was wondering if getting a 144hz would do more bad than good (frame drops etc)

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I don’t really see how hz has anything to do with frame drops, although im not that much into knowing exactly what all the stuff about monitors is.
However, if your PC is capable of pushing up to or above 144fps, then a monitor with 144Hz refresh would be good for you. Since the screen refreshes 144 times per second, you would be able to see 144fps rather than the usual 60fps you get with normal 60Hz TVs or monitors.

I don’t think a GTX 1050 Ti can run 144 Hz smoothly. My old GTX 780 was quicker than a GTX 1050 Ti and that one couldn’t do it, it would drop to 110-120 fps during cluttered fights.

You can uncap your fps in video settings and enable performance stats to see the max fps your system can push in fights and decide for yourself if it is ‘acceptable’ for you or not.

You want to be able to run 144 Hz in busy fights when you need it most, otherwise it is a waste of money till you buy a better graphics card. Running 144 Hz on the practice range doesn’t help anyone.

Before I upgraded my PC, I was using an R7 Radeon 7850K APU with 8G DDR3 RAM and the GTX 1050 Ti. I was able to push about 70-120fps depending on the map and where I look in game. FPS is great in practice range, but on Hollywood or Junkertown, the FPS suffered greatly, dropping almost to 40 - 50fps. Sometimes to 30s if a big fight was going on. I was playing on medium, so idk what it would be like on lowest settings, but my guess is that it would most likely be able to make it pretty close to 144fps as long as you are in a smaller map that isn’t in a straight line almost where everything is rendered in front of you at once. Also I have to agree with maloo, the FPS is normally good when not in high cluttered fights, but enough effects going on can bring the fps down a lot with the 1050 Ti. So I would suggest it would be best if you just wait and get a GPU upgrade that doesn’t bottleneck with your CPU first, or upgrade both at the same time if you can. Just make sure everything actually fits your motherboard. I made a newbie mistake and got a Ryzen 5 that couldn’t fit my motherboard and ended up having to get a new motherboard that supported the socket type. Overall though, go with whatever you feel you want to do. It is your setup after all.

Just do it and don’t listen to people.
I play on a 1050 TI with a 144hz monitor and have constant 154fps on medium @ 100%
At the moment I am playing on low @ 75% and get 250fps.

That’s literally impossible. Your monitor alone can only do 144fps. But if pigs can fly, I guess your monitor can do 150fps.

Please check thread dates before adding replies. This post is 2 years old. The OP has likely moved on by now.

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