Group in comp = 0 heals out of the group

I’m at this point where every single one of the games I have with a group that contains a healer or two, I receive literally 0 heal. This is bad game design Blizzard, fix it already. Games with groups are already a chore due to the sr gaps, but now the games aren’t even fun/interesting/ or “hard” the good way. Seriously Blizzard, this is absurd


You’re blaming Blizzard for player behavior?



Players who refuse to heal you is bad design? What the hell? :rofl:


Every hero should have passive healing. I agree.

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We need a solo only queue.


i am blaming blizzard for this yes. my account was banned because throwing 4stacks who actively use third party comms as a way to coordinate how best to avoid the meta options and game plays we solo queue players are making callouts for… was even perma banned for trying to warn these players that blizzard will uninstall them if they continue to give death threats, just before progressively taking action to leave and block these abusive harassing 4stack… that started in pick phase because FloridaMan mentioned i was happy to be playing on the (Miami)server where my ping is lowest(5-20) on they got me for racism LOL. just in time for the holiday sale woot.

its also blizzard policy if you do get placed onto a stacked throw team the likelyhood of their false negative reports would send you into a punishment queue where YOURE PLACED WITH MORE THROWING TOXIC PLAYERS. my life was threatened over 600x in the conceding 3 days,
ALL BCUZ i asked ana in a 4stack to heal THE MAIN TANKRien on the Point… roll to point 2 and she dies the 5th time leaving spawn vs a full dive comp and i suggested they go BrawlerSupport… gameset match FULL FLAME 4STAXXX. ruining gameplay and srsly worth a health and wellness check verbally.

And here we go again. Are you just paid to deny everything I say? This is getting creepy man, stop “following me”, you’re weirding me out. You know a system has to contain rules to avoid abuse, don’t you? Literally any system man, which is funny, you should know better having such a tag. Yes blizzard is responsible for THEIR game and ENABLING those behaviors, you know, like speed limits? Or related to the game, so you can make the connection a little easier, like SR ? You’re just in denial man, this is painful to watch or even try to reason with you, there can’t be any understanding since there’s no processing on your side and don’t try to “reverse uno” this, I’m talking about a problem, and you’re again just here to mitigate it as usual. Seriously, it really starts to look like you’re paid to do this, the problem is that you can put any amount of numbers out of your a**, it never has any credibility, you’re always missing the whole picture.

Edit: In fact, they should pay me to do this, I’d come up with way better ideas to protect their dumb ones, hands down

You’re missing the point, the point is that groups are less willing to participate as a team, but more as a small detached cell


I know I’m not alone having the worst experience due to groups, see @SYSTEM, mitigate this all you want, but if you’re a good “teammate in a group”, you’re part of the exception, definitely not the majority

Again this isn’t directly the fault of Blizzard, this is mostly player behavior.

Reports were not relevant to this topic.

I’m not following you, it should be clear with the amount of posts i have that i’m active on these forums.

I’m trying to discuss here, if you’re not going to defend your arguments or whatnot then you shouldn’t be on the forums. It’s made for discussion because not everyone shares the same opinion.

Why the hell would i be paid for having an opinion?


LOL this post made me roflmao

this is absolutely hilarious and it made my brain hurt


Yeah. Or a Solo/Duo queue, that’d be ok too. But no more teams of ones and twos going up against a friggin’ four man stack. I play mostly on the EU server where randos rarely talk, so a group like that all together in Discord has a huge advantage.

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Yeah, it suck to play on EU because of this. US has it much better with team cooperation and communication.

But i dont know why you talk about advantage. Its disadvantage to not include two randoms into team communication. It sucks to be placed in games with bigger groups who dont communicate in voice chat.

Well what I meant was that the 4-1-1 team has better chances of winning than the 2-1-1-2 team. Even if they don’t communicate with the two randoms on their team, the other team probably also isn’t talking to each other much, so they still come out ahead.
I do agree that it can be frustrating to get put on a team with a four (or heaven forbid, five!) man stack, if they don’t communicate and in some cases don’t even heal or assist you.

Study? Source? Evidence? How you can possibly know this when we cant even see groups now?

I dont believe it because my experience is different and games where i am with bigger stack are usualy a lot more painfull and often result in loss because stacks are usualy unable to play smart. They do dumb decision just because they are playing with friends. I can usualy tell its stuck when 4 or 5 players is not in voice but they do play together. Or defend each other in discussion over chat, or they even told me that they use discord.

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Hm well, it seems we’ve had different experiences then.

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Yes, i often really struggle with stuck who are not willing to communicate, they also tend to prefer their team mates for pocket and stuff like that, even when i am better than their buddies.

And dont forget the blame, they will blame you, not their group. Its common thing i notice when i play in group myself.


That person is actually a White Knight and defends everything to no end. They think system is pretty perfect and that the mmr/sr system is putting everyone exactly how it should. Just ignore them because they are delusional.

You’re not trying to discuss anything, I say yes, you say no, that’s about all the discussion you can do so far man. The very first step in a discussion when someone brings up a problem, is to acknowledge it. The fun part is that, on the many posts you answered on this topic, you never keep a straight line of thinking, it’s truly like you’re having a hard time connecting the dots, which is probably why you don’t understand what’s going on. If I say groups are the problem for solo players, you say no, groups aren’t the problem for solo players, if I say blizzard is the problem by not allowing solos to play group or solo, you say no, it’s not blizzard the problem, so it’s the groups? Is there a third entity I don’t know of that is part of the problem? Solo players, right? No, they put up with the problem. So if it’s not blizzard, and not the groups, the problem is solo players if I follow you, basically, solo players -> shut up and accept 75% of your games, or 90% of your grouped games to be a pain.
Do you see the defect in your reasoning? You can’t discuss something with someone coming up with whatever fits it’s narrative to be right. You don’t have an opinion, you have certitudes, and very likely, little knowledge about the “system”, human interaction and problem solving. (at least, on this topic, I’m not gonna judge the “whole man” on some forum posts, even though I recognize some patterns).

My arguments are clear and need no further explanations:

groups-> bad for solo players.
blizzard-> allowing this to happen.

Now, it’s true I don’t propose any solution here, but you know already what my idea is about this topic.

Yeah, I kind of got the feel of it.

@SYSTEM, I’m not making this sh*t up man

What? I am not SYSTEM.

Man this thread has a lot of complaining in it