Thanks for putting this together.
I mostly started posting here when Roadhog got gutted, with his pickrate falling from about 5% down to about 0.1% in the space of a week. Then the devs just kinda left him that way for about 3 months.
I’m really happy with how Roadhog balance turned out eventually. But that’s probably because it’s almost identical to what I suggested
Keep up the good work, I guess? As sad as it is, nothing changes without at least a little negativity thrown in.
That you are.
I figure I’m here because my goal is to fix the game. Also in a former life I was considering getting into the videogames industry, but decided against it. But I still got some passion for the career. (Enough to point at stuff in a fantasy football kind of way).
Thanks, I figure it makes me happy knowing people appreciate my ideas, even if somehow devs are capable of ignoring my titanic amount of forum posts.
Out of all of them, one of the ones I’m most happy with it is suggesting that they could patch the game a lot faster, if they just focused on changing variables, instead of full code patches.
And they even improved on the idea with Experimental Mode, instead of using Quickplay as a guinea pig.
- When will PTR Changes go live? - #5 by GreyFalcon-11737
- Patch 1.43 clarification - #7 by GreyFalcon-11737
Thanks, I think since the day they nerfed Sigma/Orisa down, and Rein got really strong, I was anticipating that that’s going to get stale in a few months. And started working on ways to fix that.
That’s the secret. I want all heroes to be at least “viable”, maybe not meta, but decent. Bastion/Sym are some of the last ones to fix. With Torb/Mei/Sombra still kinda being wonky.
He always kinda struck me as WALL-E, with PTSD, and a Chaingun.
Either a lot, or nothing, depending on whether devs are reading my ideas, or I’m just guessing exactly what they are going to do
Well, either they are listening to me, or I’m extremely good at guessing
Thanks bro. I think Overwatch is one of the best games ever created, and in another life I really wanted to work on videogames.
I figure there’s a certain art/skill to it.
I mean, either they have, or I’m downloading their thoughts
Overall, I figure, unless you’re just here for a good time. It’s kind of a waste of time to NOT try to get the devs attention to change stuff.
People keep saying that, but I think the devs tend to balance somewhere closer to Plat/Diamond when they can. We’ve just had some hectic times with GOATs and DoubleBarrier.
Did you sleep?
I was mostly just curious what people’s honest posts would be without me looming over them
I’m pretty sure unless you’re my biggest fan, that you’ve only read a small fraction of my ideas
I’m just focusing on whatever I figure is the biggest problem for the game at the time. Not really my fault this problem has been brewing for 6 months.
But at least devs now acknowledge that it’s the biggest problem this game has right now. Now I’m just kinda sitting around waiting for them to do something about it. But maybe they don’t do much until after the Valorant launch this upcoming Tuesday. (Or they do it on the same day)
Well, I still like that 1-3-2 idea, but it’s probably ahead of it’s time.
If anything, it’s feedback like what I got on that thread that makes me realize that more moderate changes to deal with queue times are probably for the best until OW2 launches.
But yeah, I do have a lot of bad ideas.
But the easiest way to have a lot of good ideas, is to have a lot of ideas in general.
Well, there’s a lot of ideas in the game now, that are almost exactly what I suggested, and chances are you like a couple of them