Grav dragon is such a cool combo

Yes, but a team should also know when not to group up. This isn’t a typical fps like cod or w/e.

Mei ice wall to lift whole team?

But people still hide and rez, you just dont rez in front of the enemy anymore.

If they wanted to get rid of hide and rez, they should have just made it LoS, fix the SR exploit at the time (its already fixed now btw), and give it a small casting time say about 0.5s to 1s or around there like how Lucio has a casting time to counter it.

Should have done easy way and not the one where shivers they made. Mercy 2.0.

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this thread has nothing to do with genji, but i’d like to mention now that his ult can’t do anything against a well spaced team that focuses him, namely with hitscan characters or ones with CC. regardless, your team can’t be positioned to be spaced out the entire match

Not like it is in the game for two years already…


Not really. Hide and rez was near instant, this takes time and it effects only one unit.

That doesn’t even make sense. You’re not doing hide and rez because you aren’t purposely waiting for them to die and not healing them and you’re also doing it on your side of the fight it’s not like you flew to the oposite side and insta rezzed someone.

Mercy had to move in close enough to the corpses to rez them and while moving in to do so could be killed.

or if you wanted to be cheeky you could always just bomb the mercys team or reaper them and boom their dead again.

GA makes that time to body’s almost nothing. The main problem was rez being instentanious. Unless I’m derping there are no ultimates in this game that apply their full effect instantaneously on pushing the button. All others have a wind up and/or apply their effect over a duration.

If they had given it even a 1 second cast time or maybe even shorter it might have been okay.

If only we had a healer that had the power to Resurrect multiple people at once. :thinking:

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THE CIRCLE OF LIFE!!! Not for Mercy tho… she is what she is now… but sadly Mass Rez never coming back.

Zen and Lucio can counter it. 2 ults for 2 ults. What a concept


Then your team gets shattered because of Brig Stun + Shatter and resume to being wiped.

Wasn’t a problem before because you made the sacrifice of having a subpar DPS on your team to perform the wombo combo. Now they are both strong it’s pretty sickening.

The problem is people are playing around Brig, which means deathball style comps. You could run a dive comp at a Brig comp to avoid the Grav+Dragon combo… but then you’re just gonna lose the H2H fights anyways.

And yet its been in the game since launch. Why complain about it now?

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Grav doesn’t last long enough nor would a team (unless it’s vital) is going to put 3 ults into a team. Zen ult will outlast grav and so will barrier.

Good Zaryas are always aggressive with their Rein and Brigette.

True, but nerfing Zarya would be the wrong thing to do here. The problem is how strong dragonstike is, not graviton surge.

Well the game has changed a lot since then. They’ve reduced how many people can get out of the ult, which makes sense to me no complaints there. They got rid of the only actual response to a team wipe happening. Hanzo before was considered less than acceptable pick, and now he is strong.

Also, people are learning how to play the game a tad better. I remember in season one when people claimed that Reinhardt’s shield was OP, but they also didn’t shoot at it back then either, now it isn’t too much of a problem now that people know they can break it quickly.