Got sassed by mercy voice line

Playing moira and mercy damage boosted me, i get hit with an exacerbated “Go ahead, cause more damage” and I’m here for it. More sass from Mercy pls. More sass from any hero that’s usually nice, in fact.


Nah her personality from overwatch 1 was a lot better, sucks that the old writers from that period are gone. She’s supposed to be a battle hardened but caring medic, not an annoying karen.


Thats awesome :sunglasses:

Im guessing thats because of Mercy’s Perk?

If you heal a Moira as Mercy she sometimes says 'see, this is ethical healing, doctor."


She evolved to represent her otps.


Sassed?. Is this how Sassay got his nick?.

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Dang! We gotta ask Sassay sometime about that.

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It’s not. It’s a line that’s been there for ages, like 8 months at least now.
Honestly amazed people haven’t heard it, I hear it all the time. Maybe it’s one of those easier to hear as the hero lines though.


OW2 Mercy is still a battle-hardened but caring medic, though?

Mercy has always been sanctimonious. It’s just that in OW1 it was because she was a Charity Sue, whereas in OW2 it’s intentional and sometimes entertaining.

Personally I love the fact that the OW2 team has taken Mercy and Hanzo and run with them. Michael Chu had them written as side characters in Genji’s story. I think the new writers have done a pretty good job of keeping them recognizable while showing us sides of their character beyond just “Genji’s saviour waifu” and “Genji’s mean older brother.”


Huh, Ok. I dont play Mercy that much anymore (because I love Juno and Illari), so perhaps thats why I havent heard it before :thinking:

I think it’s tied to her Vengeance skin.

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Girl bye Mercy was always sassy in OW1. Where do you think “Somebody call the Whambulance” came from…

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Nah she says it to people like Moira/Reaper/Mauga/Doom.

So just the more evil Talon heroes?

Odd. I’ve only heard it when Vengeance was equipped and thought it was an elseworld line.

That would make sense. Her Mirrorwatch skin has more darker, morw sassy lines.

Yeah it’s just whenever she damage boosts anyone she considers evil lol

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I’d come back to the game if Mercy would say “pew pew pew” after getting a solo kill.

I used to quite like playing her in OW1 when tired

but OW2 her voice lines are she’s so annoying I haven’t played her once since the beta

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Ahahahahaahahahahah, ROFLMAO Хорош! =)))