So I went 6-9 in my last 15 placements on my alt account and ended up getting placed 500 SR above my last season end back from S7, which is also my career high on that account. However on top of that, my performance was utterly terrible, so I have no idea how I even got ranked 500 SR higher.
The last time I finished placements on that acc, I placed 2578 in S7. In S9, I only did 5 placements, where I went 2-3. I didn’t play well since I mainly picked dps and I’m way better at tank and support.
This season, I intended to use the account to play heroes I’m not that good with. Since my main acc is around low Diamond and this account used to be low Platinum in S7, I expected my opponents to be high Gold to mid Plat. After a few games, I noticed however that my opponents were mid Plat to mid Diamond. I did really terrible in my first few games because of that and once I noticed I ended up picking my better heroes or filling what the team needed.
I ended up going 4-6 and since my opponents were significantly higher ranked than low Plat, I expected to get placed low to mid Plat, because my stats were really terrible. Guess what, I got placed at 3073 for some reason. For the performance I did during these placements, I definitely don’t deserve to get placed this high. Especially considering that the 2578 was career high on that account.
Tbf, since my main account is at that rank, I belong at that rank. However not with the heroes I played during these placements.
Here is proof for those who want it:
https ://
I have 3 accounts and unfo i play on consoles were you can make trillions for free so our SR is almost obsolete. But i did the same (300 SR though)
Assuming the MMR of Overwatch is 0-1000.
You have spent a year more or less on 1 account so your SR is low eg 2500 and let’s say your MMR is 600 …because u had to try heroes … you needed to find your way in maps … you throw a couple of games or quit … as u did not know the penalties and the ranking system … its natural. However the game will place u on your 2500SR with EQUAL MMR’s (the 600 ones) weather they are smurfs , alts , or whatever accounts so u reach a plateau
Now u went on a VIRGIN SR/MMR account playing ONLY YOUR BEST HEROES WITH A TREMENDOUS ADVANTAGE AND MORE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME so the system put your MMR again lets say in 600 and placed your SR were u deserve to be without you having to lets say REDEEM YOURSELF of your past early games by playing 1000 games at 2500SR in order to reach 3000
Where do you get that from? On the screenshots I posted, it says I was 14 minutes on fire total over the course of more than two hours. I know for a fact that I played really terrible because I died way too often.
I mean since I played against mid Plat to mid Diamond players, it makes sense to get ranked around there. However I don’t even understand how I got matched against these players in the first place.
I didn’t play my best heroes, that is the point I’m making. I played really terrible. Compare the stats in the screenshots to my stats on the acc with which I’m posting. Some games I won, I barely contributed at all. My D.Va stats are also way worse than on my main acc.
Tbf, I ranked that account lower on purpose back in S5, which is why I reached a season high of 2578 by S7. However by S6 my main acc was around 2.8k so I already nearly reached my main acc at that point in time. I didn’t play on my main acc between S7 and S9. I did way better in my placements on my main account this season and only got placed 200 SR higher at 3017.
You’re right about the part that I have gained a vast amount of knowledge in that time, however I feel like I can only really use it when I play D.Va and Mercy. And for some reason Reinhardt this season although I’ve always been terrible at Rein. Especially with dps heroes and some supports, my positioning is terrible and I die way too often.
I feel like I’m really inconsistent with many supports, especially dps heroes and a few tanks like Zarya and Roadhog. Usually also with Reinhardt but for some reason not this season so far.
A far more rational explanation is statistical noise. Play 100 more games and if you’re still 500sr above your career high, then maybe there’s reason. Until that point, it’s not statistically significant at all. The reality is that you will likely gradually fall to the rank that you belong in.
On the new acc the first 100games matter play your "BEST " like its your last game EVER and stop after 3 wins (to avoid a forced loss)
Play only for your gold medals, play the payload (to get the medal) etc
Perhaps u will end up high Dimond or low masters
BEFORE U ENTER 1ST PLACEMENTS MAKE SURE YOUR HEALS BEST SCORE IS ABOVE 20.000 and the MAX kills above 40 … play some extra games if u have to YOU NEED TO ENTER the comp matches at your best stats…
i have 4 accounts and trust me it works unfo im in consoles and our SR with the trillion free alt accounts we can fix is messed up
Performance doesn’t matter for Diamond and above, so playing for gold medals shouldn’t make any difference at that point. The only time performance matters for diamond and above mmr is during placements. I’m pretty certain I can reach high Diamond and low Masters at least on D.Va, however during the placements I mentioned I barely played D.Va at all. And I didn’t perform that well with her either. I could’ve done way better.
IT MATTERS ON THE FIRST EVER GAMES ON A BRAND NEW VIRGIN ACCOUNT TILL PLACEMENT no 10 … thats why u are matched with Masters to bronze on your first ever games till level 25XP which is a required number to enter comp for first time
AND THATS why u can loose 200SR on your first E V E R comp games on a single loss … the system is checking u out as it doesn’t know u as a player
Well, as I said, that was only my alt acc. My main acc already was at that rank prior to that. My question however is, why did the matchmaker suddenly match that account with way higher ranked players. That account was never even close to Diamond. It doesn’t matter to me whether I belong there or not, since I know I do. But the same thing could’ve just as easily happened to some random Plat player who doesn’t even belong into Diamond. And at least with most of the heroes I played during placements, I definitely don’t belong into Diamond either.
I mean, I definitely can play on that rank. I climbed from 3017 to 3136 on my main straight after getting placed there. Though then I had one evening where I got a little tilted, didn’t realize it and lost 5 games in a row. Was entirely my own fault that I dropped back to 3017. Haven’t played since then and decayed to 3k.
I could’ve climbed much further than 3136 though, if I had stopped playing earlier. I might just wait until next season and do my placements because it seems to be way easier to climb with placements.
That wasn’t my first ever placements and the account wasn’t brand new. This was the fourth time I finished placements on that acc. I played around 60 games during S5 and around 50 games during S6.
Uhhhh… screenshot 3 where you have 4:52 seconds on fire per 10 minutes. The one that recorded your actual season 10 play. Congrats. I went 10-0 on my placement matches and only got ~300 points.
I suspect that the order of wins and losses is highly significant, much more significant that statistical performance. Did you write that down / remember it for the 15 games?
Oh, I guess they changed that when they introduced the per 10 minute stats in general. If I remember right, it used to show the average on fire time per game.
As for inactive accounts being subject to huge moves, this is right, however it’s still kind of surprising how the move on the alt acc was much bigger than on my main acc. I was way longer inactive on my main acc, performed much better during placements and got a higher win percentage.
If I remember right, the 5 games during S9 went W-L-L-L-W. The placements this season went L-W-L-L-L-L-W-W-L-W. Don’t remember how they went on my main, but I ended up going 5-5 with way better stats. I think around 6-7 KD on D.Va compared to around 3.5 I have on this acc. My average elims seem to be around the same on both accs, so I just died way more often on my alt acc.
Despite that, my main acc went from 2827 to 3017 after being inactive for 3 seasons why my alt acc went from 2578 to 3073. With all these circumstances, the only thing that would explain it to me, is if Blizzard found some way to link accs using the same IP together to match alt accs with similar opponents as the main acc. This would make smurfing impossible.
Though tbh, it seems rather unlikely Blizzard would implement sth like that, because otherwise we would probably already know by now. Plus, if this actually was implemented, it must’ve been very recently. So despite that being a good explanation, I doubt they implemented it.
This pattern doesn’t really agree with my hypothesis. I would have expected the wins to be front loaded, not back loaded. So all I can really say for sure is that inexplicable and large moves happen to inactive accounts when a player returns. I’m taking data of my own, but it is super slow going as I only get a new set of data every two months.
I don’t think so either. As it would cause very bad side effects when two people share a computer, each with their own account.
And there are many examples of people have multiple accounts at different ratings, either intentionally or not.