Got nothing good to say about 222 as , so far

It’s not the only, but it’s certainly the most lucrative and one of the only ways they gain money after someone buys the game. I doubt OWL Tokens get bought as much considering you can gain them through leaving a stream on.

You can look at the 2018 earnings call, it’s brought up that the game is under performing. It continued into 2019 with reports of the revenue continuing to decline. The way the game has been seems to not be bringing in new players even with OWL doing well.

Huh? That’s oxymoron.

I think that you misunderstood me. Role queue solved a very specific set of player behavior issues. They’re gone because users can’t do them anymore. But there are plenty of other player behavior issues besides the ones role queue fixes and they are not new.

As i stated, lootboxes are not the only source of after purchase income for OW.

The additional sources admitted to in this newer post quoted above still dont include all such revenue streams

Player behavior issue, no single correlation with 2/2/2 role - lock and would also happen regularly before its implementation.

That’s why it’s called 2/2/2 role - lock “Beta” Season. The SR adjustment system will be wonky for the first matches and even the devs admitted that.

Player behavior issue, no single correlation with 2/2/2 role - lock and would also happen regularly before its implementation.

The only valid argument here.

Player behavior issue. Report them and move on.

Ummmmmm and how is that in any way 2/2/2 role - queue’s fault and not yours??


Please, list them all then.

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It’s honestly a dumpster fire of a mode at the moment.


I’m just glad that whenever I queue for a game I know that I am going to be playing the role that I want to play and not have to flex to a DPS, when my DPS is low plat and I am a diamond support main.

Role queue was supposed to improve match quality and roster balance, but it needs a lot more work to achieve either of those because neither one seems to be a priority for the dev team so far, imo. The roster requires major rebalancing with several new heroes in both the tank and support roster. How long is that going to take? Until then it feels like we are just stuck with this half baked idea of what could’ve been.

But before you could switch and pick up the slack

I would disagree. I myself feel way more useless when I play with Role Lock, this feeling can make people not care anymore. Or people feel that the devs don’t care about their opinion and just don’t see a point playing a game where your voice isn’t heard.

It’s a 2-2-2 issue, people queue as Tank and Support when they are DPS mains to avoid long queue times.

The least queued role is tank meaning if you queue as tank with anything else, chances are you will get tank, in Live you can be a tank or DPS anytime you want.


Can we please stop using this argument? It’s getting really old. We know that some flex players would successfully switch to a DPS from a Tank/Support and would be able to pick up the slack, but, 80% of the times what would actually happen is that their whole team would get handicapped as a result and a loss would even more inevitable.

That’s why I and so many people are so happy that play style is gone for good.

I can somewhat agree to this, but really, the developers are way too understanding about the overall implementation of this feature than they otherwise could have. Additionally, this system in the long term aims for an overall much better Competitive experience for all players. Longer queue times (which are also very exaggerated currently) are the price to pay for this great improvement. A minority of people may be really bothered by this to the point that they decide that they “don’t care anymore” and therefore throw.

From that point and on, their behavior is nothing but reportable, since nobody is forcing them to play the game in the first place and they will have to face the consequences.

You are right here, I made a mistake. But still, it is breaking the rules and is classified as throwing. People who do this and vastly underperform in their selected roles just to avoid longer queue times will be reported and banned if the situation gets even worse.

Umm, what? Sorry, I lost you here. In Live 2-3 DPS were already preselected in the grand majority of games, so you would go on to be the 3rd - 4th one just because you could. Sorry, but that’s one of the main reason we needed 2/2/2 role - lock in the first place…

When you are interested in a game you tend to invest in it in many ways that generate money.

The following are revenue streams directly related to overwatch.

  1. Overwatch Merch on the blizzard store. People love to deck themselves out in shirts, mugs, statues, and the like if they love the game and play it a lot.

  2. Many Dps players enjoy watching the pro’s do there thing. So whenever they watch owl they generate money for blizzard through streaming revenue. Even more so if they throw bits and subs.

  3. You tend to watch the dev updates and other video’s released by the overwatch team on youtube if you are interested in the game. So youtube ad revenue is quite nice.

  4. If you are a dedicated fan you are very likely to go to blizz con to see new things. litterally paying to be advertised too.

  5. Cross promotions such as Lucioh’s, poptarts, pizza rolls and any other food product where they get a cut of the sales for allowing their brand on a tasty (or not so) comestible.

  6. Cross promotions with electronic brands such as razer.

These are justa few of the things they make money off of players.

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Can we please stop using the truth? Its getting frustrating to argue against.

80% of statistics are made up. Including this one.


I’d love to give you an actual response, but I know it’s going to fall on deaf ears so…not gonna bother. :smiley:

I mean I would be very interested in seeing how the things I listed are not revenue streams?

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Nah, not worth it. No matter what I’ll say you’ll just think it’s wrong.

I am very open minded to be wrong if you can some how prove that these don’t make money for Blizzard.

Of course… unless you don’t actually have one but want to save face?


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Have you ever heard of a flex player? They specialize in playing any role that’s needed. You could tell who they were because they would start the game with ‘I can fill’ and everyone loved them for it. Now they are getting handicapped for being nice players.

I don’t really care if role queue stays or goes, but you have to admit flex players got the short end of the stick here, and they didn’t deserve it.


Lmao this so - called ““truth”” though has been debunked 1000 times by multiple different people.

80% of the statistics are made up. Including this one. :slight_smile:

Really? What evidence do people have that is not anecdotal?

yup, That was the joke. :smiley:

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