Got my Overwatch2 account locked without reason

I had played yesterday, everyting alright, then today when I tried to login on Steam I got the message my account was locked. I went to battle net, made the login and went to see the stats of my account, wich was, and still is, as ACTIVE. I’ve then changed my password, downloaded the authenticator for more security, nothing. Tried to re-enter the game by going to the battle net app and to try to follow the instructions (Blizzard Support - Overwatch 2 Account Locked), nothing came up on the screen. I tried then to login with the authenticator and it still didnt work. I opened a ticket, still to be answered. What is more troublesome to me is that I didnt receive a single email about this issue, it was out of nowhere that I got my account locked up, and I also have paid for the battle pass. I just wish my problem to be resolved and so I can go back to gaming. I’ve been playing OW since the first one and never had an issue like this. Please fix this so I can go back to the game


Several of us are experiencing the same issue.

They haven’t given us any solution

same here bro…
Banned midgame, unknown reason and received no email. help! - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums (

That’s so frustrating!! Its a shame they are so slow in saying anything about this

I’m having the exact same issue! Played Wednesday no problem and then on Thursday my account was locked with no email notification.

add me to the list of unfortunate souls.

I was mid match and then got the error and haven’t been able to play again since 8 PM EST last night :confused:

Hey just chiming in to say this has happened to me too :frowning:

I play on Steam via Steam Deck so idk if that’s related

Just got a reply on twitter about this. They seem to be working on the matter but its not working as they want it to

try this, worked for me, account unlocked and i’m back in

They managed to give me back my account, it was the same! They said it was some problem with the SMS to my phone. So maybe if everyone does it it will fix

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How did they give you your account back? I’m stuck, I’ve contacted support about this, used multiple phones and sim cards, I’m simply locked out of playing the game because the code refuses to be sent to any of our phones or numbers, how did they give you your account back?

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